Impossible launches sausage pizza with Little Caesars


"We've been watching the alternative meat trend," said Ed Gleich, Little Caesars chief innovation officer.

We are trying to get a taste of meat in steamed dumplings and a sandwich, but this pilot presents a first commercial test for the product.

Gleich Explained Unable to Fact – Ft Myers and Naples, FL have higher recognition than Yakima, WA. If the product is a hit, the chain plans to sell the product to the end of 2019 or early 2020. "We would not test it unless we were predisposed to thinking it could win. successful, we definitely plan to expand it, "Gleich said. "Towards the end of the year would be the earliest we could do it."

"It's not the people who are slow food proponents and not the people who are like, 'If I could take a pill for my sustenance every day and never stop to chew anything, I'd be happy.'"

For Impossible, the partnership is still another step into mainstream restaurants. The company's original plant-based burger debuted in Manhattan's Nishi Momofuku, but now can be found in Burger King, Applebee's and White Castle.

The company is also interested in meat-and-meat products, which may be considered as a meat-and-meat product, but they are also considered to be unconvincing meat proxies.

"It's not the people who are slow food proponents and not the people who are like, 'I would like to have a pill for my sustenance every day and never stop to chew anything, I'd be happy,'" said Peter Bodenheimer, program Director at Food Tech Accelerator Food-X. "I think the mass market lives in between those two."

Read (and watch) the full Impossible Foods story:

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