Stadia is approaching its first anniversary in a few weeks, and although the cloud gaming service has grown a lot over the past year, there is still a lot to improve, especially when it comes to browser support. A new Chrome extension called Stadia Enhanced aims to fix some of these issues by adding a bunch of useful changes and enabling some cool customization features that Google neglected to add on its own.

Stadia Enhanced fixes what to me is the most obvious problem on the desktop: There is no way to search for a specific game in the Stadia Store. How Google, a search company, neglected to put a search bar on the Stadia Store website for so long is beyond me, but this extension fixes it by placing it right at the top of the page.

You can even filter the results based on current sales and offers.

The expansion also contains many other handy tweaks. It lets you choose your preferred codec (VP9 or H264), enable 2K and 4K streaming (depending on your GPU), and quickly access things like screenshots, video captures, achievements and stream statistics like FPS and latency. Even browsing your game library is better thanks to a customizable grid layout that lets you see more than two games at once.

Left: Default two column grid Right: Improved six column grid

Using Stadia Enhanced is completely free and is also open source. You can browse the code, read the changelog, and report current issues on the project’s GitHub page. If you’d like to try it out for yourself, go to the Chrome Web Store and install Stadia Enhanced today. It’s definitely a useful extension if you’re serious about Stadia. Even Artem loves him!