Improved Box Score: Cubs 6, Cardinals 5


Matches may not matter in the leaderboard – reversed or otherwise – at this point, but don’t tell players. They always want to win.

Enter Ian Happ in the 9th inning, sending a 451 foot to give the Cubs the victory:

It was number 25 for Happ, a career high. What a year of extremes he had. For tonight, it was fun.

I still don’t know what to think of Adrian Sampson. I’ve said it enough times so you probably know it by now: it continues to get great results despite terrible peripherals AND unimpressive contact quality. At least he had the strikeouts tonight?

There’s nothing in Sampson’s career path that suggests he’s a particularly plausible late-career guy, so I’m still having a really hard time buying him (enough to say the Cubs should keep him. on the list of 40 men all offseason). But what if something just clicked with the Cubs pitch infrastructure? It’s so hard to know on such small samples, but there are admittedly times when it looks damn good.

Trayce Thompson got himself another big dinger tonight – his first career grand slam – which, hey, good for him. End the year strong and get ready for an opportunity next year (probably a deal with the minor leagues, maybe or not with the Cubs).

Full score out of the box.


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