In a note to teams, the NBA is developing protocols requiring that unvaccinated players be subject to many of the same restrictions as the rest of the league


The NBA informed its teams on Tuesday night that it was finalizing a deal with the National Basketball Players Association on a set of health and safety protocols for the next regular season, according to information in a memo obtained by ESPN.

Protocols will require unvaccinated players to be subject to many of the same restrictions that the entire league played under for the vast majority of last season, before the COVID-19 vaccine becomes available.

Vaccinated players, on the other hand, will have far fewer restrictions. For example, all fully vaccinated players, as well as Level 1 staff – coaches and anyone else working regularly within 15 feet of players and referees, all of whom have already been commissioned to get vaccinated – will not have not have to undergo daily tests. .

The only time apart from this, vaccinated players and level 1 staff should only be tested when symptomatic, close contact from someone who tested positive for COVID-19 or a member of the medical staff of the league doctor team requires it.

During this time, unvaccinated players must undergo daily testing before entering a team facility, participating in team-organized activities, or interacting with other players and level 1 staff. They will also have to undergo lab tests on match days, as they did last season.

Unvaccinated players will also have to live under a strict set of rules similar to those that governed their movements last season. These include: a ban on dining indoors in the same room at the same time as any other level 1 player or staff member; required to keep at least six feet away from all other persons (and required to wear a face shield at all times); required to maintain at least six feet of distance during treatment sessions from any other player also receiving treatment at the same time (and required to wear a face mask at all times); must have a locker as far away as possible from other players and not next to another player who is not fully vaccinated.

The teams have also been instructed to prevent their seats from being seated together for unvaccinated players.

Unvaccinated players must remain at their homes during home matches and at the team hotel for road competitions. The only exceptions are for team and essential activities, like shopping for groceries or taking their kids to school. They are not permitted to go to restaurants, bars, clubs, entertainment venues, or large indoor gatherings and may only have in-person interactions with non-family members with a “limited number of guests. close personal “which must be tested beforehand.

Fully vaccinated players will also not have to be quarantined if they are in close contact except under “unusual circumstances”, although they will generally need to undergo rapid tests daily for the next seven days.

Unvaccinated players, meanwhile, will need to be quarantined for seven days, no matter what.

One thing that will be consistent for both vaccinated and unvaccinated players is the use of face masks, which protocols state that everyone should wear at all times when: on team premises (including on the bench during matches, in the locker room, weight room and training room, during treatment and during team meetings); travel with the team, including at any time indoors, other than in their individual hotel room, and as otherwise required by applicable federal, state or local laws, regulations or ordinances.

This will not be the case when players participate in basketball activities, take a shower, or actively eat and drink where permitted.

Head coaches will also not have to be masked during matches.

There are still a few issues to be determined before the final deal is made, including what tests will take place for fully vaccinated players during the regular season and what activities fully vaccinated players will be able to participate in outside of squad activities.

About 90% of NBA players are vaccinated, although that leaves a handful who are not – including Washington Wizards star Bradley Beal, who said he was not on media day. of the team on Monday. The Brooklyn Nets and Golden State Warriors also face potential absences during the regular season due to executive orders in New York and San Francisco, respectively, which require anyone to be in a gym – including the Barclays Center in Brooklyn and the Chase Center in San Francisco – – have at least one injection of COVID-19 vaccine and be fully vaccinated, respectively.

Brooklyn Nets star Kyrie Irving was not on team media day at Barclays Center on Monday due to the New York order, which went into effect earlier this month. During the Warriors’ media day, Andrew Wiggins said his vaccination status was “private” before the order went into effect next month before the start of the regular season.

These decrees governing the vaccine only apply to players who operate in these markets; non-market players are exempt.

Asked about the lack of a vaccine tenure in the NBA earlier Tuesday, NBA executive vice president of communications Mike Bass said in a statement: “A vaccine tenure for NBA players would need a deal with the Players Association. The NBA made these proposals, but the players’ union rejected any vaccination requirements. “

Later on Tuesday, NBPA executive director Michele Roberts released her own statement on the vaccination status of league players.

“Over ninety percent of our players are fully immunized,” said Roberts. “Nationally, on average, only fifty-five Americans are. The real story is not why vaccination is not mandatory in the NBA. The real story for supporters of vaccination is how can we imitate NBA players. “


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