In fact, you should adopt Safari’s new search bar


Image of article titled You Should Adopt Safari's New Search Bar, Actually

Photo: Khamosh Pathak

Safari’s iOS 15 overhaul generated controversy, if only because initial designs were a little too radical. However, if you can overcome its location at the bottom of the screen, the tab bar arriving today in the final construction of iOS 15 is a delight to use. There is even some gestures that can do much Following useful than using the single tab view (to which you can always come back if you fear change) and none of them works if you’re using the single tab view, which means you’ll sacrifice usability if you want to Safari’s address bar for spectacle at the top of the screen.

Drag to change tab

Image of article titled You Should Adopt Safari's New Search Bar, Actually

Screenshot: Pranay Parab

You can swipe right or left on Safari’s tab bar to move to the previous or next tab. This allows you to quickly switch between tabs without multiple taps.. It takes a while to get used to, but once you get the hang of it, this tab switching gesture is proven.

Swipe right to open the start page

If you are on the last tab of Safari on iOS 15, you can swipe right on the tab bar to open a new tab with the start page. This does not work if you are already on the start page, but as long as you are on the last open tab in any other web page, just swipe right for a fresh start.

(While you’re at it, don’t forget to customize the iOS 15 Safari start page as you like. A clutter-free start page is a must.)

Swipe up to view all open tabs

Image of article titled You Should Adopt Safari's New Search Bar, Actually

Screenshot: Pranay Parab

It is now clear that Safari’s gestures are modeled on those of iOS 15. This is similar to that of the operating system. application change gesture: Swipe up from the tab bar in Safari on iOS 15 and the the browser will display all open tabs.

Safari changed the tab page layout in iOS 15, so you’ll see rectangular thumbnails instead of the stack view. However, a few iOS 14 gestures are still useful here: You can still drag any open tab to rearrange the tab order in. Likewise, from tab view, swipe left on any open tab to quickly close it. The close tab button is now located in the upper right corner of the tab thumbnail, and you can always tap on it to close the tab too.


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