In the crazy unwritten rules of Met Gala 2019


The Met Gala is one of the most glamorous nights of the year, but it's not really a hectic time. The party is as famous for its draconian rules, its sense of militant order and social and political minefields as it is for its red carpet, with celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow and Amy Schumer calling the bash "no clairvoyant "and" punishment ". respectively.

But such reluctance apparently did not inspire Met Gala Emperor Anna Wintour to relax the rules. Here are some of the laws that participants must follow.

It's an area without selfie

What happens at Met Gala stays at Met Gala. (Or live on

The event is so exclusive that it is forbidden for customers to take photos or videos with their phones, for fear of publishing them on social networks. Of course, every year, celebrities decide to post the rules and post a selfie in the bathroom or a story on Instagram, to Kylie Jenner.

Mobile phones are prohibited

In fact, watching your phone, whether it's taking pictures or sending SMS, seems to be verboten.

Sylvana Durrett, a former Met Ball planner, admitted in 2016 that staff members even controlled the use of customers' cell phones. "We are not sitting on people's shoulders," she said at the time, "but if it's an obvious thing, we can gently remind them."

"Anna is a kind of old-school traditionist," she said. "She likes a dinner where people talk to each other."

There is an age limit

The young star Maddie Ziegler surprised some fashionistas last year, when she was not invited to the Met Gala because she was not old enough. (Jaden and Willow Smith, for example, had already touted minor spirits), but holiday organizers told The Hollywood Reporter that children would no longer be allowed to party, saying "it was not an event." suitable for children under 18 ". Sorry, Millie Bobby Brown – See you in 2021!

No smoking

The city of New York prohibits smoking inside, and the Met Gala is no exception. However, that did not stop a crowd of celebrities – from Marc Jacobs to Bella Hadid in Dakota Jackson – from lighting up in the bathroom during the 2017 event, arousing the indignation of the council members. museum administration.

"It's mostly a lack of respect for the art collection, which must remain 100% non-smoker," said one of the donors to Page Six at the time. "Honestly, I'd like to see these people being fined by the city."

Now, the invitations specify that smoking is prohibited at the event. Last year, staff members detected fumes outside the washroom.

Mix yourself, even if you are not single

Apparently, Anna Wintour frowns at the celebrities who bring their wives and sits at least, far apart, to encourage meetings. In the documentary on the Met Gala, "The first Monday in May," she lamented that someone was asking to take away her husband and feared that he would not spend the whole evening on the phone anymore. (Page Six then indicated that the guest was Ricky Van Veen, Allison Williams' husband.)

As Durrett explained in the doc: "The purpose of these things is to meet new people and to be interested in what others are doing. What's the point if you come here to spend time with your husband? "

No unattractive food

The gala caterer is instructed to avoid certain ingredients and dishes, such as parsley ("you do not want it to get stuck in your teeth," said a former Vogue employee at The Post in 2016) , onion and garlic (bad breath) and snacks like bruschetta. Cardinal Dolan, special guest last year, found the food so derisory that he sent street hot dogs during the event, which was certainly not kosher.

You do not refuse an invitation unless you are Beyoncé.

Of course, you can refuse an invitation to Met Gala, if you never want to be invited again.

Apparently, Wintour does not take no for an answer.

"I know people who decided not to go for a year because they were not present or did not like the theme," said a socialist on Page Six in 2017.

"Once you've done that, you're no longer invited back unless you're triple A-list."

No authorized publicist

The Met Gala is so elitist that it does not allow celebrities to bring their own publicists – be it on the red carpet or inside the meeting venue. This means that these stars, who usually have their escorts at all times, have to navigate the press, the photographers and any dysfunction of their wardrobe. How awful!


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