In the relationship between Trump and Allen Weisselberg


In his testimony before Congress on Wednesday, Michael Cohen named a key figure who could shed light on Donald Trump's finance and trade investigation: Allen Weisselberg, chief financial officer of the Trump Organization.

Weisselberg, an accountant involved with the Trump family since accounting for Fred Trump in the 1970s, would have more knowledge about the finances of the Trump Organization than anyone else.

Last year, he was granted immunity to testify before a grand jury of the investigation of the US Attorney's Office in Manhattan on several hidden payments that Cohen had facilitated during the election campaign to women who claimed to have relations with Trump. Corey Lewandowski, who previously worked for the Trump campaign, wrote in a book of which he is the co-author: Weisselberg "is aware of every penny leaving the building".

Cohen also told Congress this week that Weisselberg was directly involved in a fraudulent funding scheme to pay Cohen the payment of hidden money through fake invoices.

"If Trump is suspected of mishandling his taxes or misrepresenting his income for tax or borrowing purposes – all that relates to his finances – Weisselberg is the one who will know "Patrick Cotter, former federal prosecutor, told INSIDER.

The 71-year-old officer will now be called to testify before the House's intelligence committee, INSIDER reported, sparking speculation about the type of information that he could reveal.

Here is an overview of the long-standing relationship between Weisselberg and Trump.


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