Ten years ago, on October 22, 2008, the Indian Space Research Organization (Indian Space Research Organization) launched Chandrayaan-1, India's first planetary probe on the moon. In a few weeks, the successor to the mission – Chandrayaan-2 – should do the same after many unexpected delays in its launch date, according to a report published in in the Times of India ]. 19659002] Chandrayaan-1 was India's first planetary mission to the moon and carried out various experiments, both Indian and international, on the lunar orbit. The probe collected many important data during its mission in orbit and studied the chemistry, geology and mineral composition of the Moon for nearly a year.
The Chandrayaan-1 Findings
Among his many discoveries, there was direct evidence of the presence of water on the moon. Data from the Moon Mineralogy Mapper on Chandrayaan-1 were crucial in allowing the results to directly prove that the moon does have water on its surface. These deposits were discovered as concentrated ice-water near the polar regions of the moon.
A second Chandrayaan-1 instrument, Synthetic Aperture Radar (Mini-SAR), also found ice-water deposits in craters on the far side of the moon. This has been a blind spot for past lunar missions as well as for Earth observations, as it is not well studied, but is also inaccessible to satellite signals for communication with mission controllers on Earth.
A third instrument, Chandrayaan-1 Indian Moon Probe (MIP) probe collected water signatures in the lunar exosphere.
Finally, the discovery that made headlines around the world was the first "direct evidence" of the presence of water in the lunar atmosphere just above the surface of the moon, collected by altitudinal composition instrument. of Chandra (CHACE) during the descent of the probe on the moon.
These discoveries are largely due to the fact that the probe instruments were designed to detect even traces of water – in the form of hydroxyl ions (OH) more familiar form of the water molecule (H20 ). This indicated that solar radiation rapidly spilled water into hydrogen ions, which escaped from the atmosphere, and hydroxyl ions, which remained as traces of water. . .
Image of representation. Image courtesy of: ISRO
The Chandrayaan-2 mission
Next in the heels of Chandrayaan-1, we find the 800 Rs crore " Chandrayaan -2 "uncontrolled mission, scheduled for launch on January 3, 2019. This comes almost ten years after ISRO's first mission to the moon, but features a different rover and lander than the previous one.
The 3,890-kg Chandrayaan-2, which will be launched aboard the geosynchronous satellite launcher (GSLV) Mk-3, will orbit around the moon and study its lunar conditions to collect data on its topography, its mineralogy and its exosphere.
Chandrayaan-2, weighing 3,890 kg, will be launched aboard the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) Mk-3 .
It will orbit the moon and study its lunar conditions to collect data on its topography, mineralogy and exosphere.
"Chandrayaan-2 is planned for We are aiming for this window from January 3 to February 16, 2019. This may happen at any time during this window, but we are aiming for the beginning of the window on January 3," Sivan said. referring to the media, according to . ] To various reports.
When ISRO was questioned about the certification agency for the rocket that would carry Indian astronauts, Sivan said that ISRO would be the certification agency.
"You can say that it is Chandrayaan-3 because the project has been completely reconfigured," Sivan says TOI . "If we had chosen the previous configuration, it would have been a disaster, they had not thought of so many problems that are being fixed."
Sivan adds that the certification standards will be established with the help of the Directorate. General of Civil Aviation, and ISRO would like to benefit from the expertise of other countries in this regard.
This is the first time India has seen a rover land on the moon nearly 50 years after the discovery of American astronaut Neil Armstrong. disturbing lunar surface in 1969.
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