100 years after birth, South Africa pays tribute to Nelson Mandela | news from the world


South Africa celebrated on Wednesday the 100th anniversary of the birth of Nelson Mandela, Barack Obama organizing a youth leadership project while Archbishop Desmond Tutu paid tribute to the latest anti-corruption icon. apartheid

. the world with charitable works and the Nelson Mandela Foundation has called on people to "act and inspire change" on his behalf on the centenary year.

In Johannesburg, Obama told 200 young people taking a leadership course that he set up "

" Most people around the world think of Mandela as an older man, with hair like mine, "he joked

" What people do not remember, is that he started as a very young man – your age – trying to liberate his country . He then inspired me.

Obama delivered Tuesday the central address of the celebrations to a crowd of 15,000 people in a cricket stadium, recalling the "wave of hope that has crossed the hearts of the entire world" when Mandela was released in 1990.

"Thanks to his sacrifice and unwavering leadership and, perhaps most importantly, his moral example, Mandela … came to embody the universal aspirations of dispossessed people," Obama said. .

Retired Archbishop Desmond Tutu, 86, recalled fond memories of his fellow campaigner against white minority rule and fellow Nobel Peace Prize laureate.

"The most extraordinary thing about Nelson Mandela was his bbadity." Tutu said in a video message

"The principles on which he led his life are universal principles of love, of Fairness and respect for others based on understanding the vulnerabilities we all have

Tutu remembered Mandela's willingness to apologize when he was wrong, and laughed as he remembered that both of them used to tease each other about Mandela's famous colorful shirts and Tutu's purple clown dresses

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, a Mandela protégé who took office This year he declared that he would mark "Mandela 100" by donating half his salary to charity and called on others to do the same Ramaphosa spent the day from Mandela to Mvezo, in the province of Eastern Cape, birthplace of Mandela, at the ccasion of Mandela's feast.The inauguration of a clinic, the planting ceremony of trees and the distribution of blankets to the elderly.

Machel Graca, Mandela's widow, made a short walk to promote Mandela's legacy, while the centennial A series of events, music festivals and sporting events around the world was also to be inaugurated during a special service at Westminster Abbey, London

. Mandela's annual conference Tuesday, Obama warned that the world had plunged into "strange and uncertain times", in a speech containing a series of apparent veiled attacks on US President Donald Trump.

Obama made no direct reference to his successor but warned that "the politics of fear and resentment" was spreading, led by leaders who despised the facts and told lies with "total loss." of shame".

The former US president met Mandela le He was briefly imprisoned in 2005 but praised his funeral, calling him "last great liberator of the 20th century".

Mandela was jailed under the apartheid regime in 1962 and released in 1990, when he led the African National Congress Party to victory in the first multiparty elections in 1994.

He served a mandate of president before resigning in 1999. He died in 2013.

The year commemorating the birth of Mandela will end with a concert in Johannesburg in December with Beyonce, Jay-Z, Ed Sheeran, Pharrell Williams and Cbadper Nyovest.

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