11 incredibly wild moments that prove that Robert Downey Jr. and Tony Stark are the same person


In 2008, Robert Downey Jr. played the role of Tony Stark in the first film of Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Source: indiewire

It was not the obvious choice for the role, because until then the American superheroes were of a particular kind. And the 43-year-old (at the time) stars who had publicly fought addiction were not there.

But Iron Man was not your usual superhero. And Robert Downey Jr. was not your usual actor.

Source: Vanity Fair

And the 10-year-long film series proved that it was impossible to imagine another actor like Tony Stark – billionaire, genius, playboy and, well sure, the man in the coolest costume & # 39; already.

Source: gfycat

And even off screen, Robert Downey Jr. continued to impress his fans and peers with his epic gestures and witty commentaries. Cuz really, could it be otherwise:

1. From the start, he has been the spokesman for wild commentary interviews, proving that art mimics life – at least when Robert Downey Jr. plays Tony Stark, that's the case.

At a press conference for The Avengers: The Age of Ultron Robert Downey Jr. was not the first person to whom a question had been asked. So obviously, he talked about it when he was finally asked a question.

Oh, and he can become as much fun and wild with his fans. Especially when they claim that he is the greatest diva. (* ahem, ahem *).

At the show of Jimmy Kimmel, a fan asked who was the greatest diva of the cast of the Avengers and stated that she thought it was about Robert Downey Jr. Let's just say that his answer has not been denied.

Source: Pinterest

But it is also RDJ who called his Iron Man his "first lady first of Marvel" and explained how Marvel is a question of equality .

None of us competes with each other. We are all in competition for from each other. It's the MCU, right in front of you. It's about fighting for equality. The idea is to make sure that others succeed and exceed our expectations.

2. He may be considered affectionately as the greatest diva, but he also has the greatest heart.

Aaron Hunter, age 8, was suffering from a rare syndrome, ROHHAD, and posted an online application to meet Iron Man. Downey reacted by making a personal visit where he also invited people to donate to the cause.

Similarly, when Alex Pring, 7 years old – who was not born with one arm – had a new bionic limb, guess who introduced him to the bionic arm. Yes, the iron man himself.

3. Robert Downey Jr. believes that it is important to make an entry. And it is almost impossible to pay attention to anyone except him when he enters the room.

In 2014, when the Avengers: Age of Ultron met at the comic-con, Robert Downey Jr. threw roses at the crowd and sashayed (there's really no other way to tell ) his place on the stage.

In 2012, he literally made his way into comics and into our hearts, of course.

And he never stopped, especially after the promotional tour of Avengers: Endgame . (Yes, there is a god and he has asked Robert Downey Jr. to dance for his fans.)

Do not miss this boombox! This is exactly what everyone needs to get ready to beat Thanos.

4. Obviously, when it comes to RDJ, his joke (which masks his love) with the rest of the Avengers is exactly what is expected of Tony Stark.

The legendary spirit of Robert Downey Jr. is best served on social networks, including Twitter.

And of course, his friends and teammates are the ones who experience this famous spirit the most.

I guess the arc reactor does not need an annoying upgrade or download, or a new operating system every three months. HELP ME! https://t.co/FjIBBBG3va

– Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) of January 8, 2019

5. In addition, his loyalty to the team – indisputable.

In 2018, the casting of by Avengers: Infinity War received matching tattoos, and this is not only cool, it is also emotional.

Source: thisisinsider

Of course, his birthday wishes and his messages of thanks for his colleagues are no less impressive.

6. In addition, he is never afraid to credit the person who has helped transform his life. His loving partner, his wife Susan Levin.

Robert and Susan met in 2003 and got married in 2005. And until now, Robert would like to thank his wife for helping her to reduce her addiction and fight addiction – something he publicly fought for almost five years.

The couple even has a production company, called Team Downey.

7. But let 's be clear: no one makes such adorable relationships as Robert Downey Jr. Of course, kids like it 3000. All right, yes, we adults love it too!

During Avengers: Age of Ultron interviews, Robert Downey Jr. and Mini Thor sat for what could be described as the most adorable interview in the history of interviews.

At one time also, he had made a surprise appearance at a children's costume contest Iron Man [] at the 2012 San Diego Comic-Con. Best Surprise?

Obviously, his favorite child on the screen, Peter Parker also has a lot of love.

Or even "archivalists" like the DC world.

8. And he has always, always, appreciated the love and loyalty of his fans, in the warmest way possible.

Notice the legend here? (If you have seen Avengers: Endgame then yes, it is at that time that the sobs intensify.)

At one time also, Robert, with Benedict Cumberbatch , enjoyed the hell of a lovable fanart.

9. And you may think that no suit could beat the Iron Man costume, but over the years, Robert Downey Jr. has offered quite amusing choices.

I mean that the pictures speak for themselves. Now that fashion is fun!

10. He really knows how to organize a party, and it's always a good thing!

The birthday parties that Robert Downey Jr. organizes are legendary, to say the least. As for his 50th birthday party which featured a giant ball pit and an entrance slide, and Duran Duran playing. With over 30 of his closest friends Yes, over 30 years old.

Or the previous year, when he celebrated his birthday with a group of children watching the latest MCU film – it happened to be Captain America .

11. Oh, and his car collection can rival that of Tony Stark.

Robert Downey Jr.'s garage collection of "exotic cars" can be envious of even Tony Stark himself. From an Audi R8 to G-Clbad from Mercedez Benz, via the Bentley Continental GT, to the Ferrari California T and many other luxury brands, this collection is part of Robert's collection. However, what truly distinguishes this billionaire from real life is when he first arrived for a Iron Man in a red Audi sports car.

Source: thethings

Tony Stark is not the only one to have taken a prominent place in our hearts in 2008. Robert Downey Jr. has also done so. And no one takes this place, ever!

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