11 of a family found dead in a house in the Burari region of Delhi; police suspect suicide and investigation from all angles


Eleven family members, including seven women, were found dead on Sunday morning in the Burari of Delhi. Delhi police sent a team on site and an investigation is under way.

Police investigate the case from all angles, said Delhi Police Commissioner, ANI . #LatestVisuals of Burari of Delhi where bodies of 7 women and 4 men were found in a house; Police present on the spot, investigation on. pic.twitter.com/2MukQxi8az

– ANI (@ANI) July 1, 2018

Ten bodies were found bent in the blind and hanging in the house, while that the body of a 75-year-old woman was found on the ground, police said PTI .

The family ran a grocery store in Burari. One of the neighbors, according to NDTV went to check on the family when their store did not open until 7:30 on Sunday and found the bodies. He warns the other neighbors and warns the police

The police suspect a case of collective suicide on the basis of his initial investigation, TimesNow .

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Delhi BJP chief, Manoj Tiwari, visited Burari later in the day

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