13 medical advances that change lives


These medical technologies are changing the future and providing alternatives for the medical world. Here is a transcript of the video.

13 Medical Advances That Change Lives

# 1 The iWalk 2.0 is a hands-free crutch that makes everyday tasks easier. It helps to transfer stress and tension from the hands, wrists and underarms to your legs.

Bronchial bronchial thermoplasty system No. 2 can help treat severe asthma attacks. A flexible tube is pbaded through the patient's nose or mouth. An expandable electrode array emerges from the end of the device.

# 3 Naked prostheses help amputees function and protect themselves. They are custom developed for those who have lost their fingers. They help amputees perform most tasks by mimicking the natural movement of the fingers.

# 4 This device eliminates large blood clots. This is MegaVac Mechanical Capture Thrombectomy System. A wire is inserted through the lock. He can deploy, develop and remove the blood clot.

# 5 This tube called Venti Gel instantly stops bleeding. The material is made from seaweed. It is made from small polymers that rebademble into a mesh to create a strong mechanical barrier and stop bleeding.

# 6 This tiny machine could remove the cholesterol plaque from the arteries. The device attaches to the artery wall to stop blood flow and prevent plaque from breaking. The drill then scrapes the plate away from the arterial wall.

# 7 This robotic pill knows when to release drugs. The pill goes through the body without dissolving. Once it reaches the large intestine, the compartment opens and the drug is released.

# 8 Crutches are being redesigned, which could make them more comfortable. M & D crutches move weight toward the elbows and provide more control. You can rotate them for hands-free use. They allow patients to reach higher while the feet absorb shocks and prevent slipping.

# 9 ACL repair "Bridge-Enhanced" could be the future of knee surgery. A protein sponge is inserted between the torn ligament filled with the patient's blood. The damaged ends are then gathered in the sponge.

# 10 Surgeons in New York have completed the most complex facial transplant to date. Patrick Hardison, a former firefighter was trapped in a fire at home in Mississippi. It was a 26-hour surgery to replace his entire face.

# 11 These prostheses are incredibly realistic. Dianceht manufactures custom prosthetic parts made of silicone and painted by hand. They are attached using a suction or medical glue.

# 12 Craniotomy is a procedure that exposes the brain to remove tumors. This procedure allows surgeons to access the tumor through the skull.

# 13 XSTAT can plug a gunshot wound in less than 20 seconds. This large syringe is filled with tiny sponges that can quickly expand in contact with blood to wrap the wound.

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