13 Villains who can replace Thanos in the MCU (And 12 who certainly can not)


  • – on [04/1996] July 04, 2018
  • in Lists

Since Thanos appeared during The Avengers & # 39; mid-credits sting , Marvel Studios has positioned the Mad Titan as the dominant villain of the Marvel film universe. This effort paid off when Avengers: Infinity War hit the theaters earlier this year, fans and critics praising the Thanos performance as a credible threat to the combined power of the MCU's greatest heroes . Brolin is preparing to take over the role of Thanos in the next Infinity War Marvel will shoot even more miles from this imposing villain. That said, Avengers 4 is expected to conclude with Thanos' ultimate defeat, which will leave the MCU without an antagonist on the franchise scale in the future.

Given the distance in front of the boss of Marvel Studios Kevin Feige and his team like to plan, we took the habit of speculating on who contains their short list of replacements for the crazy Titan.

Obviously, whatever the next major villain MCU must be somebody with considerable power at their disposal (either directly or indirectly). After all, you need a lot of firepower to face a superhero, not to mention the entire list of Avengers and his wider range of allies!

It's not a bad idea that this opponent is an evil brain. well – this allows Marvel to keep them in the background during the introductory movies, until they are finally ready to hatch their conquering plan of the world.

With these criteria in mind, here is a summary of 13 Villains who can replace Thanos in the MCU (and 12 who certainly can not)

25 Can – Dormammu

The choice the Most obvious to succeed Thanos as the big villain of the franchise, Dormammu is one of the most powerful beings of the MCU. Not only does he have a penchant for operating in the shadows – manipulating inferior beings, like Kaecilius, to do his dirty work for him – but his mystical powers are far greater than the natural abilities of Thanos, non-Infinity Stone . [19659005] Dormammu appeared briefly on the MCU in 2016 Dr. Strange – and the Supreme Sorcerer of the Earth managed to defeat him alone, which somewhat undermines his will be daunting.

: if Dormmamu unleashed all his power against the MCU, it would be a scenario of "all the heroes on the bridge"

24 Can not – Doctor Doom

Assuming that the acquisition by Fox succeed, fans Faster to see Marvel Studios on Dr. Doom, arguably the greatest supervillain of comics. Although Doom was primarily an enemy Fantastic Four – and would almost certainly begin in the MCU in a film titled by FF – he also has a considerable pedigree as a planetary threat. 19659005] It is hard to imagine that Doom is positioned as a threat big enough to shake the entire MCU.

Of course, he's a master tactician, and his armor and magical powers make him a force to be reckoned with, but Doom is not yet big enough to supplant Thanos as the main villain of the MCU.

23 Can – Galactus

If the Disney / Fox deal is concluded, Marvel Studios will provide the Fantastic Four and their widest range of characters. If that were to happen, the studio would be free to use Galactus, who hovered over the planet, and who could easily become the MCU's new big villain.

Not only is there a precedent in the comics – Galactus has been confronted to I love the Avengers and Dr. Strange, as well as the FF themselves – but it would also work on the big screen.

After all, there is not a hero in the MCU who would be willing to sit down and let the Devourer of the Worlds fail on Earth!

22 Can not – Dark Phoenix

The Dark Phoenix – the corrupt form of powerful and powerful cosmic Phoenix Force – is a certifiable weight hitter. Even though Marvel Studios was taking control of the X-Men franchise (following a successful Disney-Fox deal), it is still extremely unlikely that Thanos will hand over to Dark Phoenix.

Why? Two reasons, really. First, given the close badociation of the character with the X-Men – the member of the Jean Gray team is the most famous host of the Phoenix Force – she is less fit to function as a more general enemy, on the scale of the MCU

the main antagonist of X-Men: Dark Phoenix next year, which means that the public l & rsquo; Will have already seen vanquished by the X-Men – without any outside help – and will not accept it as the first threat

21 Can – Ultron

Of course, Ultron has apparently was destroyed forever in the Avengers: Age of Ultron finale . But theoretically he could have escaped his death in a truly supervillary way – he still has the ability to transport his consciousness to another robotic body.

If that is the case, it announces bad news for the MCU, Ultron having already proven itself. the Avengers. Indeed, with a better plan of harm to his belt – formulated in the shadows, natch – this deranged IA could certainly cause headaches for the entire MCU to come.

20 Can not – Namor

Several online commentators have suggested that Prince Namor's submarine could replace Thanos – provided that Disney acquires Fox, of course. Frankly, we simply do not see him

gifted warrior and military leader, Namor is far from powerful enough to withstand the combined power of the MCU hero's stable.

Namor's chances improve if you put him at the head of an Atlantean army aimed at conquering the surface world, but even considering these high stakes, this looks more like to a story Fantastic Four

19 Can – Apocalypse

Yet another villain, Marvel Studios, is hoping to get his mittens (pending Disney's agreement with Fox) Apocalypse subjugated the Marvel Universe before, in the history of "Age of Apocalypse". He could draw a similar exploit in the MCU, if integrated into the canon of the franchise.

If this happens, let's hope that Marvel Studios could work its magic to rehabilitate the character after his disappointing performance in X -Men: Apocalypse.

That said, even the watered-down version of Revelation that appeared in this film still caused widespread damage on a large scale – so imagine what a fully realized version could do!

18 Can & # 39; t – The Mandarin

Marvel Studios has backtracked since it revealed in Iron Man 3 that the Mandarin was only a character made by the artist. British actor Trevor Slattery. All Hail the King implies that a "real" Mandarin might be there somewhere, leaving the door open for the supervillain to figure as the MCU's big villain.

All the same, we would not do it. rely on what's really going on. Marvel could have been willing to appease fans disappointed by fake Mandarin in Iron Man 3 but the studio seems reasonably uncomfortable with the idea of ​​a nasty style "Yellow Peril" appearing in one of his films. For this reason alone, a precise Mandarin version will probably not replace Thanos.

17 Can – Norman Osborne

At first glance, Spider-Man The wicked Norman Osborne – better known as the first green goblin – might sound far too shabby to the point of power view to pose a challenge to the entire MCU. After all, he has been beaten by the wallcrawler many times over the years, so he's clearly not a sufficient physical threat.

If Marvel Studios has received permission from Sony to incorporate Norman into its franchise canon, the studio could reinvent it online with its representation in comics over the past decade.

In comics, Osborne is a government-backed figure who wreaks havoc on the lives of our heroes and ends up very well by sinking the planet itself behind the scenes.

16 Can not – Helmut Zemo

By his own admission, Helmut Zemo – the main antagonist of Captain America: Civil War – is not a match physical for the Avengers, even in a face-to-face scenario. Of course, he is a capable soldier (he has reached the rank of colonel), but that does not count for much against Hulk or Thor.

True, Zemo is an unqualified evil brain, and he has managed to create a gap between the two. Avengers manipulating Captain America and Iron Man to side against each other. Even so, there is a limit to all that he can accomplish alone, so we do not seem to have replaced him for Thanos – at least, not alone.

15 Can – Onslaught

If the Disney / Fox Agreement goes from the front, Marvel Studios will finally be able to integrate the X-Men into the MCU. If this happens, Marvel will have a lot of new, monumental dangerous villains to choose from when it comes to replacing Thanos.

Of these, perhaps the strongest candidate is Onslaught, the psychic offspring of the worst parts of the X-Men mentor, Professor Xavier, and their biggest villain, Magneto

In the comics, Onslaught – a diabolical genius with almost unlimited psionic powers – proved to be too much of a threat to the X-Men, with the Avengers and the Fantastic Four.

It would not be very difficult for this villain to play a similar role on the big screen

14 Can not – The Red Skull

] The last time we saw the Red Skull In Avengers: The Infinite War he was cursed for keeping the location of the Soul Stone – a curse that was presumably lifted now that Thanos has the Stone. If the unique head of HYDRA was released from his guardian responsibilities, he is free again in the MCU

Does this mean that the Red Skull could fill the gap left by Thanos after Avengers 4 ? Not really, no …

Even taking into account his new vaguely defined supernatural powers, nothing indicates that the Red Skull is powerful enough to adequately challenge the enemy enemy Captain America, let alone the Larger MCU!

13 Can – The Beyonder

The Beyonder is one of the most impressive figures in the Marvel Universe. Possessing God-like reality-folding abilities, the Beyonder is a manipulative and omnipotent character capable of reshaping (or even eradicating) the entire MCU. That's enough to qualify him to be the main villain of the franchise?

Marvel Studios could choose to adapt the epic story of "Secret Wars" (or one of its sequels) to establish the Beyonder in the MCU.

Be that as it may, the Beyonder would make a dignified addition to the canon – and its morally ambiguous nature echoes Thanos' own nuanced characterization.

12 Can not – Magneto

Pending the acquisition by Disney of Fox receiving the green light, the master of magnetism, Magneto, could end up in the MCU. While this is an exciting development for the biggest enemy of the X-Men, it does not mean that he should have any ideas on replacing Thanos.

True, Magneto is a gifted strategist and a very powerful mutant – and his anti-human. The agenda is undeniably global. Nevertheless, seeing him resist the combined power of the X-Men, the Avengers, and their other powerful friends just does not seem plausible.

11 Can-Mephisto

Marvel Studios has already entered a cosmic direction by using Thanos and the Infinity Stones as the driving force of the MCU – so why not go down the next biblical road? If the studio chooses to introduce a religious trend to the franchise, the logical choice of the villain would be Mephisto, Marvel's answer to the devil!

It would not be too difficult to introduce a character like Mephisto to the MCU.

After all, the hero possessed by demons Ghost Rider already plays in the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series, so there is room for another inhabitant of hell in the cannon.

Moreover, the intriguing nature of Mephisto and his almost limitless magical abilities would serve him well as a substitute for Thanos

10 Can & # 39; Ronan the Accuser

Ronan the Accuser has the ambition and – when he is overloaded by a source of cosmic energy – the strength to fight the whole of the MCU, but it's unlikely that he'll ever do it. Not only did we see him lose in the first Guardians of the Galaxy we will probably see him fail at Captain Marvel's forthcoming sortie seriously diminishing his infamous size. 19659005] Then there is the question of his fall in Guardians of the Galaxy where he was apparently totally wiped out by the Power Stone. This would seem to exclude any contemporary appearance of Ronan ( Captain Marvel takes place in the 1990s). Although, as the Red Skull proved, there is always a way back from an exit related to Infinity Stone

9 Can – The Magus

The Cosmic Superhero Adam Warlock is about to debut in the MCU The Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 after director James Gunn teased his introduction in Vol. The sting of 2 credits of . This can potentially pave the way for the arrival of its evil counterpart, the Mage, a cosmic-level threat easily able to terrorize the entire MCU.

The Magus has the added bonus of being a pathetic opponent. for our heroes, because he is a corrupt incarnation of the valiant wizard

This makes him an unpleasant experience for his companions of well-being, increasing the emotional stakes and making the ultimate showdown more than A simple excuse for

8 Can not – The Chief

Hulk Naughty The Leader was set up in 2008 The Incredible Hulk where Dr. Samuel Sterns has been seen to change in his alter-cinglant -ego. Sterns has not spoken to us since, but if he shows up again in the MCU, fans probably should not expect him to be the dominant villain of the franchise.

Certainly, the Leader is more than able to dominate intellectually. the super-heroes of the MCU, and his scientific sense allow him to bad men powerful enough to fight them physically. All the same, the Leader is not enough "big time" to inherit the central antagonistic duties of Thanos, no matter how intelligent he is.

7 Can – The Supreme Intelligence

All villains do not have to be the kind that the Avengers and their allies can strike. Take the Supreme Intelligence, the giant floating head that commands the Kree Empire, for example. Here's a nasty whistling (seriously: dude is incredibly enough) backed by the military power of an advanced alien race.

Boasting an amazing intellect comprised of the greatest Kree minds, as well as energy / matter manipulation powers and the ability to In the astral plane, Supremor does not let his body hold him back.

Toss in his use of surrogate bodies – just in case the public really needs to see the Avengers make him one – and we think Marvel Studios

6 Can not – MODOK [19659079] Christopher Markus and Steven McFeely – the writers behind the movies Captain America – are on record as being eager to bring the odd villain Modok to the big screen, citing its inherent fluidity. However, if MODOK were to be part of the MCU, he would not be racing to take the place of Thanos in the gun

Essentially an oversized head on a small body supported by an armored platform stationary, MODOK is a smart opponent who possesses considerable psionic firepower

That said, there is no way that this guy is powerful enough – or to be brutally honest, enough cool – to be used as an MCU threat.

5 Can – The Maestro

The Maestro is a malicious version of the Hulk of the distant future. He is not only stronger than his contemporary counterpart, but also has the intelligence of his alter ego, Bruce Banner. This makes the Maestro a rather formidable client – which is why he dominates the apocalyptic reality of the post-nuclear war that he calls the home.

The Maestro is extremely powerful, brilliantly intelligent and rotten to the bone marrow. "Big bad" material for the MCU.

Moreover, opposing the Avengers to a twisted version of their long-standing ally would have enormous emotional repercussions for the team, and actor Mark Ruffalo would no doubt like to have the chance. opportunity to give a new dimension to his character.

4 Can not – The Void

Ostensibly, the Void checks all the boxes that the substitute of Thanos must have covered: he is an incredibly powerful and malignant entity with designs to dominate – if not to destroy The Void is also a visually dynamic character, manifesting himself either as a figure dressed in trench coats emanating from tendrils or a monstrous and living hurricane. He could clearly make the jump to a real action movie no problem.

The problem here is that the void is inextricably linked to Sentry's Superman equivalent, Marvel Comics – indeed, he is the diabolical doppelganger of the sentinel. As Marvel Studios seems to have no plans to include the sentry in the MCU, the replacement prospects of Thanos also seem non-existent

3 Can – The Masters of Evil

Remember when we have said that Helmut Zemo could not replace Thanos alone? Well, that does not mean that we do not think it could replace the crazy Titan with the help of some despicable friends.

Indeed, rather than trying to fill the entire size of Thanos with a lonely villain, Marvel Studios may want to consider calling on a team of villains instead !

Who better than the Masters of Evil, a team led by Zemo is the comic strip. In stories like "Avengers Under Siege" they have almost defeated their heroic rivals before.

Of course, the band's name is too nerdy for the MCU, but it's barely enough to avoid these types as suitors.

2 Can not – Count Nefaria

Do not get me wrong: Count Nefaria is undoubtedly powerful enough to confront the whole Avengers, and – depending on how he is portrayed – the whole MCU itself. thing is, as featured in the comics, Nefaria is just a bit too intrinsically goofy to replace Thanos.

Her name, her costume (a Dracula's cape and her initialed belt buckle), and her overall shtick screams just "nasty retro comic."

Unless Marvel Studios gives it a major overhaul, Nefaria is not going to be the new big villain anytime soon.

1 Can – The Serpent

Cul Borson – also known by his self-titled title, "The Serpent" – is Thor's uncle, and is even more powerful than his famous nephew. Unfortunately, the Serpent does not possess any of the scruples of the Thunder God and, as the history of "Fear Itself" illustrates, it does not exacerbate world chaos for its own purposes.

With his impressive Asgardian physical traits, the Serpent could go forward with the Avengers and their allies.

Even better, the legacy of Borson as the Nordic god of fear means that he's pretty cool to be as a villain at the MCU's scale

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Who are some other bad guys who could (or certainly could not) replace Thanos in the MCU? Let us know in the comments!

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