In the Game of Thrones premiere of Season 8, the show served a handful of long-awaited moments, including Jon Snow on a dragon, the meeting of Ary and Jon (and that of 'Arya and Gendry) and Daenerys. arrival in the north. All these scenes were incredible, but the fans still want to see a lot of things in Game of Thrones Season 8. And given the limited number of episodes of the last season, there is a good chance that it will not be too late. at least some highly anticipated scenes will not occur. But this is not a reason not to dream big, because there are still many prophecies to achieve and reunion too juicy to be ignored.
With that in mind, here are all the things that absolutely must happen in Season 8. Because, yes, Jon on Rhaegal was the stuff whose dreams are made, but no one is willing to give up this hype media of Cleganebowl at the moment. After seeing the real Azor Ahai stand up against Brienne and Jaime, finally admitting that they are more than friends who sometimes threaten to go to-kill, here's all that the last season of Game of Thrones must be used before the fans are finally released from the Seven Kingdoms.
1. Cleganebowl
Look, the show (and the books) teases Cleganebowl since years . It is high time that The Hound and The Mountain embark on an epic showdown. And after The Hound's worrisome words to his big-dead brother in Season 7, the chances of this much-anticipated brawl are better than ever.
2. In search of who is Azor Ahai Reborn
Whether the answer is given to who is the promised prince / princess, Jon, Daenerys or Lyanna Mormont, it's time for the show to reveal everything.
3. See someone kill the king of the night …
The king of the night must collapse. Game of Thrones is renowned for being dark, but if the ultimate evil prevails, the level of depression will increase. To see Jon, Jaime, Arya, Sam or any number of characters to eliminate their icy enemy from the North would be much more satisfying.
4. … and find out why he is so related to Bran
Bran deserves his own list, as the number of questions surrounding him and his three-eyed raven status continue to grow . If the show only responds to one of them, then the young Lord Stark must be so connected to the King of the night. (And why the king of the night seems to follow him to the south.)
5. Arya marks Cersei from his list
Nobody wants to see Arya go completely crazy, but if she can only mark one more name from her list, Cersei is then the ideal candidate. And, hey, if she does it by wearing Jaime's face, she'll finally be able to solve that annoying Valonqar theory too.
6. Return of Melisandra
The red woman promised Varys to return to Westeros to die, but before her life ends, she has an unfinished business with Ser Davos and Arya to be dealt with first.
7. Meeting of Sansa & Cersei
It would be a real tragedy if Sansa and Cersei did not have the opportunity to face one last time. After all, Queen Lannister was one of Sansa's first teachers and it's time to see how much the Stark girl has absorbed all these hard lessons.
8. Jaime & Brienne fighting side by side
Jaime and Brienne dance around each other since season 3. It's probably too much to hope for a confession love on the part of one or the other, but at the very least can fight the White Walkers side by side.
9. Jon Tell Daenerys who are his parents
Poor Jon has just seen his world switch with the news that Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are his parents. But he can not ignore this reality for too long because he is in love with his aunt. The moment he says to Daenerys should be a juicy moment – and it's even possible that it could place them in opposing camps since Jon has more rights to the Iron Throne than the Dragon Mother.
10. The triumphant return of Ghost
The dragons are excellent and all, but it's time for #TeamDirewolf to represent it. Ghost is Jon's real companion and it is high time that he returns to the fold.
11. Sam, Gilly and Baby Sam Live Happy Forever
Seeking a Happy End to Game of Thrones is a great way to convict people, but if anyone deserves it to end, that's Sam, Gilly and baby Sam. If the show wants to go on and make sure that Sam is the narrator's theory become a reality, then it would be doubly unbelievable.
12. Daenerys finally reaching the throne room
Whether or not Daenerys sits on the iron throne remains in abeyance, but it is doomed to the decision of at least to join the hall of throne. His vision at the House of Immortals must be realized before the end of the series.
13. Theon fights alongside the Starks
Theon's arc of redemption is almost over. All that remains to be done is to make their way to the North and fight alongside the remaining Starks now that Yara is safe.
14. Drogon & Rhaegal Vs. Undead Viserion
You can not introduce an ice dragon into the mix and expect fans that they are not clamoring for a battle between Viserion and his fiery brothers.
15. A final confrontation between Tyrion and Cersei
Poor Tyrion has fallen a bit off the map in recent seasons, but he still has to deal with Cersei. The question of whether or not he has an agreement with his sister in season 7 is still outstanding and needs to be resolved with one last juicy clash.
16. Valonqar's prophecy matures
Cersei feared the arrival of the Valonqar since she had visited Maggy the frog in the woods when she was a child. She has pbaded her destiny long enough. Season 8 must finally reveal if Jaime, Tyrion, Arya or another person will mark the end of Queen Lannister.
17. The destruction of the iron throne
The iron throne caused immeasurable pain to the inhabitants of Westeros. It's an ugly symbol of uncontrolled power that needs to be destroyed. Daenerys swore to break the wheel, the time has come for her (or anyone else to stay up) to follow through on that promise.
Everyone The Game of Thrones is a bit different, but these 17 things are absolutely essential for the last season.
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