2.0 trailer: 5 epic scenes to watch


The ambitious film 2.0 of director Shankar is about to come out. The film, due out in 2017, has been postponed several times for technical reasons. Version 2.0 is now ready to enter theaters on November 29th.

The trailer of 2.0 was released today during a big event in Chennai. It has been released in 3D with audio in 4D. As expected, the 2.0 trailer was a hit with fans of Rajinikanth and Akshay Kumar. In a few hours, the trailer recorded more than 10 lakh views in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi.

According to the creators, the best viewing quality of the 2.0 is the 3D because they shot the entire film in 3 dimensions. The 2-minute trailer features incredible visual effects and perfect VFX work.

Let's take a look at 5 scenes you need to watch in 2.0.

1. The face of Crow Man of Akshay Kumar turns into Chitti of Rajinikanth
One of the interesting aspects of the trailer 2.0 is the last scene. If one freezes the frame, one can see Akshay Kumar's face turning into Rajinikanth's Chitti. This particular shot must have required spectacular special effects and is a perfect ending for the trailer.

2. The immense power of Crow Man:
Although the trailer of 2.0 does not focus much on the character of Akshay Kumar, the trailer compensated him. In this particular scene, Akshay Kumar uses his power to decimate Sudhanshu Pandey, who is presumed to be one of the wicked.

3. The character of Akshay Kumar made from cell phones:
The teaser of 2.0 tells the story of the film. It is quite clear that the sci-fi movie deals with the threat of mobile phones. In this scene, Crow Man's character of Akshay Kumar is made up of hundreds of mobile phones ripped off from the public.

4. Amy Jackson in Robot:
It seems that the robot character of Amy Jackson has a lot to offer in the movie. It will not be just there as a treat, according to the trailer. In addition, in another scene, the robot 2.0 reloaded by Chitti catches Amy and tells him: "Wow"

5. The multiple looks of Akshay Kumar:
According to the trailer of 2.0, it is confirmed that Akshay Kumar will be seen under several looks. In one scene, Akshay Kumar's character develops gigantic wings made from cell phones.

ALSO SEE | Akshay Kumar and Rajinikanth are all smiling at the launch of trailer 2.0

ALSO WATCH | All about Rajinikanth-Akshay Kumar's 2.0 in the Da Da Club

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