20 fans completely missed in Iron Man Movies


Iron Man is the kind of superhero you almost never expect to make mistakes. Of course, on a personal level, it is deeply flawed. Tony Stark is an egomaniac with a problem with alcohol and has problems with commitment. One minute, he may be everyone's best friend, the next day he may bicker with Doctor Strange on the smallest thing while Thanos is about to end half of all life in the # Universe in Avengers: Infinity War . [19659003] When we talk about technique, we can say that the man is demanding. He participated in the design of the costume in Spider-Man: Homecoming and would have even proclaimed a new shield for Captain America at the next Avengers 4 . So, how is it that Iron Man Iron Man 2, and Iron Man 3 have so many technical errors? We're not just talking about shadows of booms or extras that look directly at the camera. There are geographical gaffes, gaffes of disconcerting continuity and – a breathless! – even scientific sophisms!

The answer, as we all know, is that Tony Stark did not make these films – a production team made up of ordinary humans. Although most of us, ordinary human viewers did not notice the big problem that some of these errors were on the screen. Now we have to pull the veil out of our eyes and reveal that making a movie does not require the kind of precision that a military-grade armored combat suit would make. Which is good, because if Tony made this type of mistake, it would end up being a huge box of tomato soup!

Here are 20 Wrong Errors for Iron Man Movies Fans.

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20 Amusing Physics

Many fans of Iron Man are in love with Tony Stark because he is a brilliant tech wizard. Those of us who are trying coding, 3D printing and gadgets can only dream of reaching the heights achieved by Tony Stark in his battle suit. So, it's a shame to note that the very first film Iron Man practically failed in Physics 101. A man

who was not asleep at high school in science knows that the speed of light is very large, much faster than the speed of sound.

When the Jericho rocket explodes after about 15 minutes, we hear the boom before seeing the flash. This is the kind of mistake that would rock Stark 's father into his grave!

19 Tony's Suspicious Skills

Bright minds who reach the cream of the crop in major educational institutions receive all kinds of honors. The obtaining of a doctorate awards the title of "doctor" by reaching the top of the clbad and is worth the title of "medalist". In the MCU, we learn in the first five minutes of Iron Man that Tony Stark graduated from the Mbadachusetts Institute of Technology, which is pretty much the Harvard Geek Technology Schools.

He was so good that he came out of it "summa cum laude" – a title that means "with the highest distinction". The problem? MIT does not use this label for its students.

18 Rhodey Can not Count

Big budget movies have many moving parts and sometimes, continuity errors are simply made when these parts are disconnected. In Iron Man at around 1:40, Rhodey badures his boss, Tony Stark, that the pepper pots are safe and are protected by five agents.

When we cut to Pepper, she is clearly surrounded by not five – but six agents.

Does not Rhodey know how to count? Is an extra extra slipped on the board? Why this happened, we will never know, but we badume that the production team can rely on the old adage "six years on one, almost half a dozen others".

17 Stark's Vanity Plate

So, any real Iron Man fan would be shocked to discover that Tony Stark has a makeup plate on his refined Audi R8, or is he looking at it ? … Iron Man around 1:07, we see that our favorite playboy billionaire rushes for a benefit concert with a fast vehicle that does not have a license plate. In the following photo, when approaching the entrance, a front registration plate suddenly says "STARK 4", which is pretty pretty

Was it from there? 39, a first experience in the project Extremis or a hidden Hank Pym firing a joke using Ant-Man ? No, it is surely a very strange misconception of props, probably the result of the presence of two different show cars for the shooting of the scene. [19659013] 16 The military protocol goes against the protocol

The excitement elicited by the opening sequence of Iron Man was palpable. There is our still unborn hero in the wilds of Afghanistan, stroking proudly under the scorching sun to show off his latest explosive weapons creation. Then comes out of nowhere, his military escort is ambushed. The chaos ensues.

Of course, the whole convoy stops on its tracks to repel the attackers.

In real life, it's against the protocols for American soldiers. What they are supposed to do is fight back as they try to escape. Why? To protect their charge, which in this case is Tony Star. When it is removed in the movie, it's because its cinematic protectors did exactly what they would not do in real life.

15 The Teleporter Reactor

This is another continuity error, but unlike others, it really goes to the very heart of what Iron Man is everything. At about the 51st minute, there is a dramatic moment when Tony Stark was attacked and his arcing reactor was removed, which not only deprives him of his powers, but also ends him when he needs the damn thing to live. 19659011] Pepper Potts then arrives to find a replacement arc reactor and replace it, saving time.

The problem is that a single gadget shot is in his chest, but at the next shot, she always puts it.

14 The Non-existent Desert of Iron Man

Moments in the MCU movies really beat Tony's spectacular exit from his captors in Iron Man . The awkward armor of Mark 1 that he improvised in a remote cave – the very first version of Iron Man – burns and crushes a shower of bullets and peels off to the sky, before he s & # 39; Collapse in the middle of the Afghan desert. There is only one problem: there is no desert in Afghanistan.

Yes, of course, there are quite barren plains, but there are simply no such things as waves of dunes and oceans of sand.

13 Armor should not save Tony

Here is a problem prevailing in Iron Man Iron Man 2 Iron Man 3 Captain America Civil War and all the films Avengers . Oh, and all the comic books and all the cartoons about Iron Man, too.

Tony Stark should not survive just about everything he goes through.

When he is slammed, lands at thousands of meters or even takes a tank shell in his chest, his body should be blushed. Why? Because a skin-proof armor can protect from penetration, but not an instant deceleration. If there was padding on the inside of the armor – a very good imaginary padding – so maybe. Otherwise, his body would be as damaged as anyone who receives no armor from the force of impact.


In the fast-paced news world, writers with tight deadlines and overloaded editors creating content can generate last-minute publications and broadcasts, causing grammatical problems. But in a movie, one would expect such errors to be more easily avoidable. We are sorry to say that we are not in Iron Man 2

About 18 minutes into the movie, Tony Stark is in his cellar watching himself attend a Senate hearing. The legend of YouTube reads: " Tony Stark on Capital Hill ". That's great, except that we're talking about the building where lawmakers meet, not the "capital" of the country. It should be rather "Capitol Hill".

11 Tony's selective particle beam

There are few science fiction energy weapons that can exceed the particle beam. Acting as a super powerful laser, these rays can slice just about anything. In Iron Man 2 this proves that it is true – except when this is not the case. At about 1:26 in the film, a particle accelerator cuts elementary materials like a hot knife into butter. Yet, miraculously, the cables that hold everything remain intact, just like the center piece. It's pretty weird, huh?

This is the kind of inconsistency that reminds viewers that they only watch a fictional narrative.

This is the last thing we want to think about when we watch a superhero movie.

10 Pepper's Super Cell Phone

Here is a technical error that could have been easily explained by simple writing. a touch of genius Tony Stark. At the last big confrontation in Iron Man 2 an attack occurs at the Stark World Expo. The villains have a decisive advantage: they have blocked all signals from mobile phones. This means that no one can call the police. This is stated many times, but Pepper Pots can not get his mobile phone and dials 911 successfully!

In the following plan, Happy Hogan says again that phones do not work. Note to the writer 's room: when the timeline shows such a blunder, just write that Pepper has Tony' s cell blocking technology or something like that.

9 A Hole in Donut's Hole

If you've been to LA, you may have pbaded one of the city's most famous landmarks, Randy's Donuts. The modest store has a very large donut-shaped sculpture on top of its tiny storefront. In Iron Man 2 Tony shows some donuts sitting in the infamous donut. Then we'll see Tony, Natasha and Nick Fury in Randy's indoor dining room – it's here that Fury chats with Tony to find out he's qualified for the initiative. Avengers.

This is an iconic scene, but real. life, Randy does not have an indoor dining room.

This is a take-away seal. Maybe Tony has created a pocket universe inside of it.

8 The Inconsistent Racing of Iron Man 2

One of the most elaborate pieces of Iron Man 2 encompbades a major Whiplash scene making its debut as a major threat to Iron Man. While the famous Monaco Grand Prix is ​​in full swing, the sadistic slasher jumps into the race, literally tearing the cars in half with its metal cutting technology.

During the scene, fast cars have dropped the action, but sometimes they run the circular path clockwise. Then, a second later, they roll in the opposite direction of the needles of a watch, then come back. And so on, until we realize that continuity is on the horizon and that chaos has triumphed.

7 The Inconsistent Healing of Extremis

When we talk about tech-based superpowers, few things as imaginary are as intriguing as Extremis armor, which can literally live in your body and emerge at will. Not only that, it can help heal and even replace parts of the body. This is what happens to the wicked known as Brandt in Iron Man 3 when she receives an injection of the Extremis virus.

The technology actually replaces his missing arm, but it does nothing to heal the scars that she has. on his face.

This takes the concept of the curative virus directed by the credible mind to another narrative error

6 The Way to Nowhere in Iron Man 3

Here again, we have an almost insignificant geographical mistake – perhaps not as serious as nonexistent deserts, but more glaringly than a very simple CGI would correct it. In Iron Man 3 Nick Fury is hunted down in a scene around Washington, DC. On this stage, we pbad a sign indicating "US-6 / US-322" indicating an imminent exchange.

The problem is: neither highway is anywhere near Washington, DC. However, the two coincide in a unique way just outside of Cleveland, one of the film's filming locations. Seriously, it 's an example of the error that not only Tony Stark could easily fix, but also one of the thousands of CGI artists working under the 200 budget. millions of dollars.

5 The Giant Needle of Maya

Before the end of the match in Iron Man 3 there is a moment when Maya Hansen threatens to inject the virus extremis. She has a syringe in her hand and claims that the dosage is 1200cc. That equals 1.2 liters, about a quarter of a quarter.

Visualize a needle the size of a milk can and that's what she's talking about.

Not only is the size of the accessory on the screen is bad, but, if it was properly performed, it would be a nightmare needle worthy of sending those who are suffering from Belonephobia – the fear of needles – screaming from the movies.

4 Family Affairs

Before reaching 10 minutes in Iron Man 3 we are already facing a mbadive attack. He performs at an air base in Kuwait. It's one of those terrible times when more than just soldiers suffer the consequences of such violence. It is not only airmen and women who are targeted, but also their spouses and even their children. During these terrible seconds, many lives are lost and the table is ready for the event that will prompt Tony Stark to act.

One thing: US bases in the Middle East are temporary rotations and no family lives there. Why? Because of the danger of such attacks, of course. This is a tragedy that could never happen in the real world.

3 Tony's high-caliber error

While Tony Stark excels at cutting-edge technologies, it is obviously a state-of-the-art weapon. From the very beginning of the very first film Iron Man the success of his arms manufacturer business creates a moral dilemma within it. Let's face it: Iron Man armor is one of the most powerful weapons ever created.

As the end of the third film approaches, Tony seems to forget the basics.

On the docks, Stark and Rhodey take cover, without their iron suit. They must defend themselves with firearms. At one point, Tony asks Rhodey for extra bullets for his pistol. Rhodey responds that the size of the balls is incorrect. Tony insists that they are not. Such an error is related to Albert Einstein's insistence that 2 + 2 = 5.

2 The clothes of Extremis soldiers do not burn

Again, we are facing a fundamental physical failure. Anyone can do a simple experiment that exposes this. Light a match. Hold your clothes. It's going to burn, right? Now, take the same game and hold it to a penny. Of course, it will heat up, but it will not melt. That's because the fabric burns at 451 degrees Fahrenheit – a hot match will generate – but the metal requires thousands of more degrees to melt.

In Iron Man 3 Extremis soldiers defy this simple reality. They may be so excited about their technology that they make a meta, but the clothes they wear are not affected at all. Perhaps they carry a material composed of "unstable molecules" that the Fantastic Four Human Torch use to prevent them from going up in smoke?

1 Bullet-Proof Nothing [19659077] There is about an hour and a half in the movie Iron Man 3 one of the most daring attacks in the series. This time, the bad guys take it to none other than the national leader. Shots fired on Air Force One, his official jet, and in the chaos, shots broke the windows of the vehicle.

In reality, the windows of Air Force One are bullet-proof.

This is quite logical, because we all hope that this important man will be properly protected by all available technologies. Obviously, this makes things more dramatic if the glbad cracks, but all we need is a simple line on "piercing bullets" or a fictional device to let those mistakes go.

What other errors have the fans missed? in the movies Iron Man ? Let us know in the comments!

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