2018 Asian Games: Indian tennis players question AITA's decision to associate with Leander Paes with Sumit Nagal


New Delhi: The selection committee of the All India Tennis Association (AITA) has made a mistake in not selecting two teams of dual specialist for the Asian Games, say several players, who have given in question the pairing of Leander Paes with Sumit Nagal.

  Photo of Sumit Nagal file. AP

Photo of Sumit Nagal file. AP

The players supported AITA's decision to team up with Rohan Bopanna with Divij Sharan, as they had asked for the top two players in the country. However, the top 100 players – Jeevan Nedunchezhiyan and Purav Raja – and N Sriram Balaji and Vishnu Vardhan, who won their Grand Slam debut, have all expressed concern over the Paes-Nagal

badociation. The Divij play well and are ranked 1 and 2. It makes sense to pair them, I do not understand where Sumit (Nagal) came in doubles, nothing against him as a player, since we want our best pairs to get medals for our county, we must send the best pairs of doubles, "said Balaji of London.

The Chennai player said that according to the rankings of Paes and Nagal, it is unlikely that they will be ranked. "It's not because we do not have double-ranked players: Purav Raja and Jeevan Nedunchezhiyan are ranked in the top 100. Another point is that I'm sure Leander and Sumit (Nagal ) will not even be seeded ". As of Monday, Paes is ranked 74th and Nagal 253rd and their combined ranking would be 327. If Paes were to be paired with Raja (76), it would be 150 and with Jeevan it would be 170.

"And I'm not sure that the two teams from the same country will be drawn in two different halves, if this rule does not apply, they may even shoot in the first round, then we will only have one luck for one, "said Balaji.

Vardhan felt that Paes and Raja should have been India's second entry in men's doubles. I think when we have so many doubles players who are at the top and in the end, our goal is to get the maximum of medals, so why not send two specialized teams.Would have been Rohan and Divij and others could have been Leander and Purav since then? they played on the Tour too, "said Vardhan.

"Sumit (Nagal) is not a bad double player.He won a junior Grand Slam.But just that it is not the best we have.I only hope that they will come back with so many medals, "added Vardhan

when the team of six players was chosen, the selection committee felt that Nagal had been chosen as a cover for single players Ramkumar Ramanathan and Prajnesh Gunneswaran: At the end of AITA, Nagal can replace both players in singles, as he can play both formats.

Jeevan, who has a superb form and who s & rsquo; is imposed in the top 100, was baffled by the way the system works in India. "The fundamental problem is that we have an badociation that is not trying to produce world-clbad tennis players. So, I think until we put the emphasis on setting up a system in our country to train professional tennis players, all these selection problems are just the noise. I wish all those who will go to the Games the best and hope that we can win as many medals as possible. I will continue to race in the only way I know. "I personally think that choosing three doubles players and three singles players is not a brave selection," he added.

When contacted for his comment, Raja said, "You should ask Leander who he thinks is the best chance to win a medal, I think our goal should be medals, whether with me or with the best person. "

Nagal is currently going through a difficult period since he lost eight straight games, winning only one match in his five doubles. India came back with at least a double men's medal since the Busan edition in 2002. Of the four gold medals of India in men's doubles, until now, Paes has won three

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