2019 World Cup: Virat Kohli meets the Queen before the opening


2019 World Cup: On the eve of the event, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Harry hosted the ten skippers participating in the World Cup at Buckingham Palace.

  Team leaders participating in the World Cup met Queen before the tournament began. . "title =" The captains of the teams participating in the World Cup met Queen before the tournament started. "src =" https://akm-img-a-in.tosshub.com/indiatoday/images/story/20 160 / Virat29052019.jpeg? o0QAc.1mhKK.okDNhIy93xX9fLKoC8a6 "itemprop =" contentUrl ", </ p> <. .. <The Captains of the participating teams met Queen before the start of the tournament. (Twitter / @ BCCI) </p>
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  • Queen Elizabeth met the team's skippers before the opening of the 2019 World Cup
  • Queen Elizabeth and Prince Harry greeted the 10 Captains at Buckingham Palace on the day of the Opening Ceremony
  • The Opening Ceremony of the Cup World 2019 was held at The Mall Street, Westminster

Before the start of the extravaganza of the 2019 World Cup, the captains of the ten participating teams stopped at the Buckingham Palace to meet Queen Elizabeth II in London, who organized an opening ceremony on the eve of the tournament

The Queen and Prince Harry organized an annual garden party in the palace hall of 1844 wishes the teams good luck in their efforts during the day 46 days

The Indian captain Virat Kohli, as well as the nine other skippers engaged in costume to pose in front the queen for photo,

The 10 # CWC19 The captains of the queen. pic.twitter.com/cT42NfuPCv

BCCI (@BCCI) May 29, 2019

All 10 captains were present later in the day at the opening ceremony that took place Is held at The Mall, the iconic street in central London. Speaking at the opening night of Buckingham Palace, Eoin Morgan, captain of the English team, said: "I hope we will be excellent hosts and that we will make sure that everyone is proud of it. " filled atmosphere at the opening ceremony and discussion of crowd support that India receives in the UK.
"" I am delighted to be here. We have a huge fan base in England. The number of people traveling from home too. It is good to see that in all the stadiums we play, at least 50% of the crowd is made up of Indian fans. For us, it is a question of pressure but also of pride. We hope we will have to use the support of the crowd to our advantage, "said Kohli.

England hosts the tournament after 20 years and will face South Africa at the opening of the India will start its campaign for the World Cup against South Africa on June 5 against all other countries in the round robin format.

The World Cup Final will be held on July 14 at the Lord & # 39; s.

Also read | 2019 World Cup Opening Ceremony: Virat Kohli, Malala Yousafzai, Thieves of Performances at the London Party [19659008] Read also | World Cup 2019: How the teams got ready for the preparation matches

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