3 terrorists killed in Pulwama, teenager dies in clashes with security forces at meeting site


Three terrorists were shot dead Friday in the Pulwama district of Jammu and Kashmir and a youth died in clashes between looters and security personnel near the meeting site, a police official said. The operation took place in the village of Thumna after obtaining information on the presence of terrorists in this village, he added.

Three terrorists hid in a house. Security personnel managed to locate the ultras, but the operation had to be delayed due to the presence of civilians in the house, he said.

The three terrorists were eliminated. Good job boys. https://t.co/LLQM2PRDeB

– Shesh Paul Vaid (@spvaid) June 29, 2018

A shootout broke out between security forces and terrorists after all civilians were evacuated. The three ultras were killed, the official said.

Meanwhile, a mob began throwing stones at security forces involved in the anti-militancy operation

. He said that one of the wounded, 16-year-old Faizaan Ahmad Khan, was declared dead by doctors in a hospital.

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