& # 39; Aladdin & # 39; Boffo absorbs $ 31 million Friday, but "Brightburn" and & # 39; Booksmart & # 39; are disappointed

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& quot; Aladdin & quot;

Walt Disney

Walt Disney Aladdin is about to break with the Weekend of the unofficial remembrance of the studio Garder for Pirates of the Caribbean: the end of the world (a record 153 million dollars for a first film Friday-Monday) in 2007 and Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead tell nothing (decent mid-way 77 million dollars start-Friday) in 2017, just about every Disney Day Remembrance Day ( Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Tomorrowland, Alice on the other side of the mirror, Solo: A Star Wars Story ) died after a terrible day here and / or abroad.A first decent opening day n is not a hoax raised, but a gross turnover of $ 31 million Friday, including $ 7 million in p Thursday reviews, is a good start for the big talk of live-action / novel comedy.

Walt Disney spent 183 million USD for a live version of Aladdin and, as promised, perform almost all of the important roles with an actor or actress from the Middle East, Asia or Canada. 'India. They chose Will Smith as Genie because Robin Williams died five years ago and that Disney needed a great star to be just as distinct. The film was screened by critics and received mixed reviews. The applause was seen by the actors, the production values ​​and the disadvantages of the new version (45% longer) of the previous scenario. The general public watched commercials and trailers for what seemed like a good time at the movies, read the reviews and then found themselves more or less. Occam's Razor.

As expected, the years devoted to handwriting online (Billy Magnussen figures in the film for about 120 seconds as a fashionable comic relief) and to many controversies (no, Guy Ritchie n & # He would never choose Tom Hardy as Jafar). Do not make a bading difference. The Internet mocked or shouted at Will Smith's genius, but the general public (young and old) still showed up. The marketing campaign was a bit too shy, at least until the last minute, but the basic talk ("a big-budget live-action version of Aladdin ") was good enough to defeat hesitant marketing. Once critics confirmed that the film was halfway decent, with vivid production values ​​and charismatic distribution, the audience is presented accordingly.

As long as the film was coherent, presented on the black and nostalgic background while highlighting a romantic duo (Mena Mbadoud and Naomi Scott), charismatic, handsome and able to generate chemistry and heat mutual, it was simply hoping that enough people really wanted to attend a real action Aladdin . Once the critics, even the pans, badured people that the film had been presented in its main tone, as well as the somewhat rare tour of movie star Will Smith, the fix had arrived. So, despite years of catastrophic proclamations, Yeah, it could have gone in a different direction: Aladdin from Walt Disney could flirt with a $ 100 million Fri-Mom Memorial Day weekend.

Aladdin earned 22.5% of his opening day via Thursday previews, which is quite in line with Pirates' sequels and X-Men: The Days of the Future . The total number of figurines commemorating Memorial Day for several years has generally yielded multipliers between 2.724x ( at the end of the world and X-Men: the last fight ) and 3, 33x ( dead Men do not tell any story If this is played out accordingly, we plan to start between Friday and Monday between $ 84 million and $ 103 million and could theoretically play harder, as ] Alice on the other side of the mirror (3.45x in 2016) or Men in Black 3 (69 million USD from a day of opening 17, $ 6 million for a 3.9x multiplier) 2012), which corresponds to a first weekend from Friday to Monday between $ 107 million and $ 121 million.

Sony and Screen Gems published Brightburn yesterday, with mediocre results. James Gunn's cooler, directed by David Yarovesky, essentially turning Superman's story into a horror movie, got mixed reviews, but did not get much buzz as the weekend approached. As such, the $ 3 million Friday, including $ 950,000 in Thursday's previews, is not a surprise. We can look forward to a $ 7.5 million weekend Friday-Sunday and Friday to Monday debut of $ 9 million for the $ 7 million Elizabeth Banks vehicle. He had the misfortune to increase his marketing just as Disney has returned Gunn Guardians 3 for tweets uncovered. He was hired by Disney, but Sony delayed Brightburn Thanksgiving 2018 at Memorial Day 2019.

It was not fatal because it's not like a cheap customer needed a saturation campaign. Honestly, after the first teaser played pretty well online, global marketing has become quite calm. To be honest, Sony may have spent the bare minimum necessary to get a movie with a budget of $ 7 million (it will probably reach 20 million US dollars). Be that as it may, it was not the counter-summer programming that would have been presumed to be after this first teaser. That said, the film written by Mark and Brian Gunn is a fascinating little deconstruction, examining toxic masculinity through an origin of superheroes while ironically approximating the Superman myth of their roots as a parable of Moses. . It's worth being seen.

United Artists Releasing, uh, published Booksmart in 2,505 movie theaters yesterday. The teen comedy directed by Olivia Wilde, sold (more or less accurately) under the name of Superbad for girls, sparked rave reviews and a strong infatuation during her debut at SXSW last April . But when it's just as easy for people to stay at home and consume episodes of (excellent) Pen15 frenzy on Hulu, it's not any easier. Bring the audience to the theaters for a clbadic such as this one with either The Do-To List in 2013 or The Edge of Seventeen in 2016. At this As a matter of fact, a Friday of $ 2.5 million should result in an amount of $ 6.7 million Friday and Sunday. $ 8.1 million the first weekend from Friday to Monday.

Marketing was mostly digital, so it would not be a disaster, but the low number remains a tragedy for this kind of film. I know I say it all the time, but if you want more movies like this in theaters, you have to see them in theaters. We saw the consequences of the viewers ignoring almost all of Fox's range of 2018 in the relative decimation of the studio the day after its sale to Disney. Fox2000 is closing, the number of movies released by Fox has been cut in half and Disney exploits them primarily for catalog properties and intellectual property rights. Again, vote with your wallet, not with your hashtag.


Walt Disney Aladdin is on the verge of breaking with the unofficial curse of the studio on Memorial Day weekend. Pirates of the Caribbean: at the end of the world (a record 153 million dollars for the first time Friday and Monday) in 2007 and Pirates of the Caribbean: dead tell nothing ( decent mid-term) million in Friday) in 2017, just about every Disney Remembrance Day outing ( Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Tomorrowland, Alice on the other side of the mirror , Solo: A Star Wars Story ) died of a grave death here and / or abroad. A decent opening day is not a misfortune lifted, but a gross business turnover of $ 31 million Friday, including $ 7 million in Thursday's previews, is a good start for the controversial musical / romance.

Walt Disney spent $ 183 million on a live version of Aladdin and, as promised, performs almost all significant roles with an actor or actress from the Middle East. Asian or Indian. They chose Will Smith as Genie because Robin Williams died five years ago and that Disney needed a great star to be just as distinct. The film was screened by critics and received mixed reviews. The applause was seen by the actors, the production values ​​and the disadvantages of the new version (45% longer) of the previous scenario. The general public watched commercials and trailers for what seemed like a good time at the movies, read the reviews and then found themselves more or less. Occam's Razor.

As expected, the years devoted to handwriting online (Billy Magnussen figures in the film for about 120 seconds as a fashionable comic relief) and to many controversies (no, Guy Ritchie n & # He would never choose Tom Hardy as Jafar). Do not make a bading difference. The Internet mocked or shouted at Will Smith's genius, but the general public (young and old) still showed up. The marketing campaign was a bit too shy, at least until the last minute, but the basic talk ("a big-budget live-action version of Aladdin ") was good enough to defeat hesitant marketing. Once critics confirmed that the film was about right, with splashy production values ​​and a charismatic cast, the audience was presented accordingly.

As long as the film was coherent, broadcast on the bright dazzle and nostalgia while highlighting a romantic duet. (Mena Mbadoud and Naomi Scott), charismatic, beautiful and able to generate chemistry and mutual warmth, it was simply to hope that enough people really wanted to see a show Aladdin . Once the critics, even the pans, badured people that the film had been presented in its main tone, as well as the somewhat rare tour of movie star Will Smith, the fix had arrived. So, despite years of catastrophic proclamations, Yeah, it could have gone in a different direction: Aladdin from Walt Disney could flirt with a $ 100 million Fri-Mom Memorial Day weekend.

Aladdin earned 22.5% of his opening day via Thursday previews, which is quite in line with Pirates' sequels and X-Men: The Days of the Future . The total number of figurines commemorating Memorial Day for several years has generally yielded multipliers between 2.724x ( at the end of the world and X-Men: the last fight ) and 3, 33x ( dead Men do not tell any story If this is played out accordingly, we plan to start between Friday and Monday between $ 84 million and $ 103 million and could theoretically play harder, like Alice from the other side of the mirror (3.45x in 2016) or Men in Black 3 (69 million USD from a 17.6 opening day) million USD for a 3.9x multiplier) 2012), which corresponds to a first weekend from Friday to Monday between 107 and 121 million dollars.

Sony and Screen Gems published Brightburn yesterday for poor results. James Gunn's cooler, directed by David Yarovesky, essentially turning Superman's story into a horror movie, got mixed reviews, but did not get much buzz as the weekend approached. As such, the $ 3 million Friday, including $ 950,000 in Thursday's previews, is not a surprise. We can look forward to a $ 7.5 million weekend Friday-Sunday and Friday to Monday debut of $ 9 million for the $ 7 million Elizabeth Banks vehicle. He had the misfortune to increase his marketing just as Disney has returned Gunn Guardians 3 for tweets uncovered. He was hired by Disney, but Sony delayed Brightburn Thanksgiving 2018 at Memorial Day 2019.

It was not fatal because it's not like a cheap customer needed a saturation campaign. Honestly, after the first teaser played pretty well online, global marketing has become quite calm. To be honest, Sony may have spent the bare minimum necessary to get a movie with a budget of $ 7 million (it will probably reach 20 million US dollars). Be that as it may, it was not the counter-summer programming that would have been presumed to be after this first teaser. That said, the film written by Mark and Brian Gunn is a fascinating little deconstruction, examining toxic masculinity through an origin of superheroes while ironically approximating the Superman myth of their roots as a parable of Moses. . It's worth being seen.

United Artists Releasing, uh, published Booksmart in 2,505 movie theaters yesterday. The teen comedy directed by Olivia Wilde, sold (more or less accurately) under the name of Superbad for girls, sparked rave reviews and a strong infatuation during her debut at SXSW last April. . But when it's just as easy for people to stay at home and consume episodes of (excellent) Pen15 frenzy on Hulu, it's not any easier. Bring the audience to the theaters for a clbadic such as this one with either The Do-To List in 2013 or The Edge of Seventeen in 2016. At this As a matter of fact, a Friday of $ 2.5 million should result in an amount of $ 6.7 million Friday and Sunday. $ 8.1 million the first weekend from Friday to Monday.

Marketing was mostly digital, so it would not be a disaster, but the low number remains a tragedy for this kind of film. I know I say it all the time, but if you want more movies like this in theaters, you have to see them in theaters. We saw the consequences of the viewers ignoring almost all of Fox's range of 2018 in the relative decimation of the studio the day after its sale to Disney. Fox2000 is closing, the number of movies released by Fox has been cut in half and Disney exploits them primarily for catalog properties and intellectual property rights. Again, vote with your wallet, not with your hashtag.

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