4 Ways the Universe Could Disappear in Non-existence


L & # 39; universe. The word engenders a plethora of speculations and theories proposed over many millennia. The very being of existence is encapsulated in the infinite fabric of the universe. A truth set beyond the bounds of the universe has not yet been explored. It is an unknown area and his thought, while intriguing, is rather formidable.

By observing the old adage that says "Nothing lasts forever", he is part of the inquisitor side and questions them about the perpetuity of the universe. Must apply for any right? Most likely. There are definitive examples over time to theorize the potential collapse of the universe in the distant future (hopefully).


We can say with a convincing level of certainty that the universe will not last forever. The change in the procedures and directions of the cosmos has been exponential in the years that have elapsed since its unseen appearance.

It takes a considerable amount of time to scan telescopes of galaxies and distant cosmic bodies. The number can be as scary as billions of years! This implies that if these telescopes could reach the depths of the universe, we can observe how it was a billion years ago. We are now witnessing cosmic occurrences and bodies that were earlier closer and have since drifted into continuous expansion.

The mysterious force behind the expansion is quite enigmatic in its operation and has been termed "black energy" by scientists. It is thought that this energy is a kind of substance or field that exerts a kind of inverted gravity. It grows as gravity pulls. But the universe can not continue to expand forever. Something has to give, and when that happens, it will probably happen in one of those ways.


An expanding cloud of smoke eventually dissipates into nothingness, and that is exactly what will happen our universe when it succumbs to heat death . If there is enough dark energy in the universe, galaxies and cosmic bodies will always be separated from each other.

The galaxies have moved away from a point where they are not visible from each other and from new stars. will stop forming. Finally, the atomic particles that make up everything will break down into subatomic particles, and these particles will move away so far apart that they will not be able to interact anymore.

This will leave the universe dark, cold and still. Mostly dead. This scenario is also called "the big freeze". In fact, the "heat" part only refers to the fact that it is the result of the entropy, not the temperature that would result. It is the most likely destiny of our universe.


We badume that black energy is a constant force causing eternal and persistent drift. However, we could consider an alternative theory of dark energy, which could weaken over time to the point of no longer being able to neutralize the force of gravity. In this proposed scenario, the expansion of the universe ends up reversing.

The galaxies would come closer, get closer, collide with each other, and collapse under the force of their own gravity. All the matter of the universe would fall on itself until everything becomes as it had begun: a singularity, an infinitely dense spot. Given what we know about dark energy, the chances of a serious crisis are thankfully slim (no matter if there is an alternative end?)


Energy to be a constant force while the great tightening supposes that it is a force that ends up weakening. Now in the process of paddling in the other direction, this theory proposes the possibility of a reinforcement of the dark energy leading not only to the expansion of the universe, but also to an expansion within the galaxies themselves. This would mean that galaxies, stars and planets would be torn apart and that, eventually, black energy would become so powerful that it would tear apart molecules and atoms.

"If the Big Rip arrives, it does not come very quickly. long period, "said theoretical astrophysicist Katie Mack at a conference at the NECSS conference in July. "We are at least 120 billion years old before having to worry about it. So you can rest easy, it will take a while.


The last three scenarios offered comfort (not really) not to happen any time soon. However, vacuum degradation can occur at any time. It is based on the nature of something called the Higgs field, which permeates our universe and whose strength varies according to its potential. You can think of its potential as water in a toboggan. The more you ride in the waterslide, the more water there is in the water. Essentially, you are at a higher energy level that decreases as you go through the slide. When the water falls back into the pool, it is supposed to be in a state of emptiness or in its lowest possible energy state.

The problem is this: there are two possibilities for the empty state of the universe. It could be a real void, in which case the energy of the Higgs field is really as low as possible. However, it can also be a fake void. In this case, there is another state of lower energy that we do not know – the pool has a giant bath cap, and pulling it can sink all the water even lower. State. The badogy itself is quite terrifying.

An event with a tremendous amount of energy occurring at any moment in the universe could literally put an end to existence itself. Quantum particles have the ability to "tunnel" through a barrier, whether from one side of a wall to the other or from one vacuum state to another , so that random quantum fluctuations can also do so.

says: "because the true emptiness has constants of a nature different from those of the false void. The constants of nature are things like the charge of the electron or the mbad of particles or even sometimes the force of gravity. So if you take the molecules you are making and put them in a state of emptiness, they will not stay together anymore. Total destruction. All you need is a single particle that drifts into a place that it should not move. We are sorry to have ruined your sleep tonight.

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