5 biggest things WWE secretly told us about SmackDown Live


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Jan 30, 2019, 12:25 pm IST


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Email [19659013] Bryan takes the blue badault mark "src =" https://statics.sportskeeda.com/editor/2019/01/92750-15488268326579-500.jpg "/> [19659013] Bryan Takes Blue Mark Assault ” src=””/>

Bryan Takes Blue Mark Assault

In what was another reasonable episode of SmackDown Live, WWE continued to advance the narrative of his next big PPV, Elimination Chamber.

The series was praised by some of the biggest names in the blue brand, who made themselves known in the last phases of the event.

The championship game of the WWE will be challenged.In the interior of the barbaric elimination chamber, one may wonder how "the new" Daniel Bryan will reach out to dream of being WWE Champion?

The women's division acquires all the importance it deserves. Becky Lynch once again opens the debate on the trademark blue a ruthless Charlotte Flair. [19659017] The creative team continued its efforts to integrate Andrade & # 39; Cien & # 39; Almas in the future of SmackDown Live. However, Shinsuke Nakamura's shocking defeat of R-Truth broke the Internet for all the wrong reasons, as the latter is now the American champion.

It does not matter what happened and what is about to happen in the next few weeks. There are still many things that WWE has been secretly trying to tell us by proxy through some of their segments and matches. Qu & # 39; t Were they? Let's find out.

Here are the 5 most important things that WWE has secretly told us about SmackDown Live.

# 1 Charlotte Flair would be interfering in the main event by hurting Becky Lynch

Was it good?

We all knew that WWE would not let Becky Lynch go to the trash with Ronda Rousey in the biggest stage of all time in a singles match.

Charlotte Flair has always been the number one priority for the WWE, and although Lynch has earned her place at the top of the food chain, she will not be alone in a battle with Rousey.

The queen confronted The Man on the Blue brand and continued. Tell the WWE Universe that without it, Becky Lynch would not have been the superstar of the main event she's in today.

Given that both competitors share such intense rivalry, the team of designers is certainly considering an angle of injury that would be expensive. Becky to participate in the main event of WrestleMania.

If you put a spot on someone, it would be Charlotte who would finally join that fight, which would make it a three-game threat at the New Jersey Show of Shows.

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