5 reasons why Samoa Joe should win the WWE Championship at Elimination Chamber


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February 5, 2019, 09:08 IST


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Email [19659013] Samoa Joe should be the next WWE Champion "src =" https://statics.sportskeeda.com/editor/2019/02/69a53-15492713264349-500.jpg "/> [19659013] Samoa Joe should be the next WWE Champion ” src=””/>

Samoa Joe should be the next WWE Champion

The Elimination Chamber is WWE's next big PPV He follows the Royal Rumble and we already have A six-a-side match for the WWE Championship – it all started when Daniel Bryan presented his new environmentally friendly WWE belt to the WWE Universe.

While he was sporting his new AJ Styles, Randy Orton, Jeff Hardy, Mustafa Ali and Samoa Joe went to the ring by one to claim the title held by The New & # 39; Daniel Bryan.

Subsequently, chaos erupted and there was chaos in the ring that included the five aforementioned superstars. Daniel Bryan was at the table of comments when Triple HHH, through the Titantron, announced that the five superstars are entitled to the title in a match for the Elimination Chamber, much to the dismay of Daniel Bryan.

won by Samoa Joe – and here are five reasons why …

# 5 previous achievements

Samoa Joe is not a mud for the circuit of the fight. He made his name as a wrestler before even joining WWE. In fact, he joined WWE a little over three years ago and called it well before that,

. His highest accolades include a Ring of Honor (RoH) Championship title, a RoH World Championship, a Total Non-stop Action TV Championship (TNA) and a TNA World Heavyweight Championship.

In addition, after joining the WWE NXT wing, he became a two-time champion. These feats prove that he is a man worthy of being the WWE Champion.

And winning the biggest title of all would be a good first individual title to win in WWE main training.

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