5 things Vince McMahon could have planned for John Cena at the show


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23 Mar 2019, 08:11 IST


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To say that WrestleMania is fast approaching would be an understatement WrestleMania is almost upon us and the excitement is very real. The question is what role did WWE play for John Cena at this major event – for once, it seems like nothing is reserved for the biggest star in the WWE.

One thing we can be sure of is that Cena is likely to make an appearance at WrestleMania 35. It will be either an inclusion of last e minute in a match or part of a non-fight segment at the big pay-per-view event. Now let's take a look at the 5 roles Vince McMahon could have played for the 16-year-old champion. What do you think Cena should do at WrestleMania 35?

I would be happy to hear all your thoughts.

# 5. Daniel Bryan's Opponent

This week at SmackDown Live, Kofi Kingston rose to the challenge and defeated five of WWE's great superstars. It was badumed at that time that he had qualified for a spot at WrestleMania 35. Vince McMahon then introduced a new opponent to Daniel Bryan, who defeated Kofi Kingston and canceled his dreams in WrestleMania.

I will not be like that naive and pretend that Kofi Kingston will not be going to WrestleMania 35. All I'm saying is that there might be a turning point in the scenario, where Vince McMahon says that now that Kofi Kingston is no longer in the title, he was going to introduce Daniel Bryan's new opponent – the unique John Cena. Cena, the ultimate babyface, could ask for Kingston 's addition to the last game.

So, in the event of a triple threat, Cena would try to become a champion 17 times. And his presence would make Kingston's final victory even greater.

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Riju Dasgupta is the bbadist of the heavy metal bands Albatross and Primitiv. He is also a former guest columnist for Rolling Stone India.
His main pbadion remains to watch and review the art of professional wrestling for Sportskeeda. In the world of heavy metal, he is called Dr. Hex.

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