5 WWE superstars who were arrested and their photo IDs


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15 Feb 2019, 14:28 IST


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  We're looking at some WWE superstars who have been arrested over the years
We're looking at some WWE superstars who were arrested over the years [19659016] Humans are not perfect, only it's an average Joe, a celebrity actor or a WWE superstar. Like many of us, WWE Superstars have also made mistakes over the years, sometimes leading to their arrest. However, instead of being reprimanded, we should understand that everyone is making mistakes and that everyone deserves to learn from them – and WWE Superstars should be no exception.

We learned earlier about the unfortunate arrest of Jimmy Uso and hope that he will get some on his legal issues before the match for Sunday's title against Shane McMahon on The Miz. The arrest of Jimmy Uso has led me to think of the Superstars who have been arrested in recent years. So this is the topic we are going to address in the article today. If I have missed it (which I am sure), please echo in the comments below.

ALSO READ: 5 Underused WWE superstars expected to sign with AEW

# 5 Jimmy Uso (2019) [19659020] Jimmy Uso "src =" https: //statics.sportskeeda. com / editor / 2019/02 / 93b6a-15502205605889-500.jpg "/>   Jimmy Uso
Jimmy Uso

We learned earlier today the arrest of Jimmy Uso. TMZ Sports first reported the story by saying that Uso and his wife, Naomi, had been arrested while driving in Detroit. "Naomi allegedly drove the car the wrong way in One way street and was intercepted.

According to the report, after the officer had asked Naomi to get out of the car, Jimmy Uso suddenly jumped out of the car and took off his shirt. The surprised officer pulled out a stun gun, which apparently allowed Jimmy Uso to become aware of the seriousness of the situation and he calmed himself thereafter.

Heu Jimmy Uso later released his bail and went out of jail. WWE also commented on the situation by issuing the following statement on the arrest of Jimmy Uso: "Jonathan Fatu is responsible for his personal acts."

Jimmy Uso and his brother Jey are about to challenge Shane McMahon and The Miz at the WWE Elimination Chamber this Sunday for the SmackDown Team Championships

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Writer Writer. Puroresu and strong style fan.
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