5 WWE wrestlers who are friends with Brock Lesnar


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March 12, 2019, 8:10 am IST


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Email [19659013] Brock Lesnar is friends with several WWE superstars "src =" https://statics.sportskeeda.com/editor/2019/03/e8567-15523539283511-500.jpg "/> [19659013] Brock Lesnar is friends with several WWE superstars ” src=””/>

Brock Lesnar is friends with several WWE superstars

The WWE World Champion, Brock Lesnar is not a man known for his role in the world. to hear with other WWE superstars There are several Superstars with whom we know that Lesnar has a less than positive relationship

He has been involved in several behind-the-scenes clashes with other WWE and is known to have bullied people.The fact that he is more involved in the UFC and does not care about the WWE other than as a means of earning money has also been a factor for the judges who judge it.

However, there are WWE wrestlers who are good friends with Brock Lesnar. – or at least are close to "The Beast Incarnate".

In this article, we will look at 5 WWE superstars who are actually friends with Brock Lesnar.

# 5 The Rock

  The Rock helped kick-start a Brock Lesnar career at WWE
The Rock helped start Brock Lesnar's career at WWE

Lesnar starts at WWE. Without The Rock, Lesnar might not have been the dominant force he's in today.

Right now, The Rock may have been away from WWE for a long time and focused on his career in Hollywood. one of the biggest superstars of WWE. He was one of WWE's known faces at the time, and with "Stone Cold," Steve Austin was partly responsible for helping WWE defeat WCW.

When Brock Lesnar made his debut at WWE, he was known. like "next big thing" in the business. While other Superstars were reluctant to criticize him, The Rock was one of the first to accept it.

That's exactly what he did, helping Lesnar to win his first big win at the WWE SummerSlam 2002. Other than that, Lesnar also expressed his gratitude to the Rock for helping him in the backstage at the beginning of his WWE journey.

If the Rock decided to come back again, it would not be the biggest shock of the week. the world for it to be in a program with Brock Lesnar.

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