7 Reasons to See Captain Marvel (and 3 Reasons to Ignore It)


Marvel's latest film – Captain Marvel – just released at the movies (March 8), and there is no doubt that people will argue online. I saw it myself, despite early reviews (up to 82 percent on rotten tomatoes) that were negative.

  Credit: Marvel.com Credit: Marvel.com And for the most part, I enjoyed the film, which is carried by a solid cast that includes a clever cat. But for those who wonder about the reasons for avoiding the film, I gathered the most spoiler-free criticism I could, breaking down the seven reasons to see Captain Marvel and three

Reasons to see Captain Marvel

Brie Larson is great

If you've seen her working in movies such as The Room or her small role in the series Community you know that Brie Larson is a powerful talent. With its excellent rendering and its pose, it raises a scenario that can sometimes fall a little flat.

Whether it's his joke with Jude Law's Samuel L. Jackson Yon-Rogg's Nick Fury or his frustration with his incomplete memory, Larson makes you love his character, even if the rest of the movie does not. [19659007] Another Side of Nick Fury and Agent Coulson

If you liked Samuel L. Jackson and Clark Gregg in previous films of Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), you will have a soft spot for Captain Marvel . You've seen these guys being the smartest guys in the room, but Captain Marvel shows us their beginnings and where they're often the least informed.

 Credit: Marvel.com Credit: Marvel.com This allows the two As a geek choir of the film, commenting on its events on behalf of the public, the effect is hilarious. You get more Fury than Coulson, although Jackson spends a lot of time on the screen because it plays a central role in things getting more interesting.

The spirit of the '90s is alive in this soundtrack

As much as we enjoyed seeing Captain Marvel land on a Blockbuster video in the movie trailer, the soundtrack is the true piece of genius backtracking. I will not spoil any choice of songs, but I have to applaud for the song choices.

The Skrulls are the best extraterrestrial MCU breed yet

Comic strip movies are often defined by their villains, and the The Avengers' Chitauri were so bland and worthless that their presence t beloved film. The Skrulls of Captain Marvel subscribe to this trend by creating tensions throughout the film and Ben Mendelsohn, in the role of Talos, delivers a ton of great moments.

Captain Marvel Trailer

Get Good Avengers: Endgame tease

Captain Marvel presents two sequences of post-credits and the first will ask you for tickets for the fourth Avengers movie. In addition, the film itself staged a series of potential actors likely to have big impacts in the upcoming MCU movie, not just Captain Marvel herself.

Goose, the cat, is awesome

I saw Samuel L. Jackson fighting a ton of snakes, but have you ever seen him handle a cat? Captain Marvel features a feline named Goose, who spends a lot of time with Fury and often leads to huge comic success. I'm not even a cat lover and I found myself enjoying this easy-to-photograph furball.

Stan Lee's top-level cameo

While Captain Marvel does not present Stan Lee's latest cameo, which seems to be the case. set for Avengers: Endgame – it's probably my favorite so far. I can not say more than that without spoiling it, but those who are aware of all his work will get a laugh.

Reasons to Ignore It

A Slow Start

As the film tells its story in a non-traditional way, the first act of Captain Marvel will leave many (including myself) wondering when the story will resume. Those who love a dark science-fiction drama, with a planetary exploration will have more reasons to stay focused, but these first parts might not be for everyone.

MORE: Endgame Avengers: Watch The Trailer Now [19659006] On top of that, Captain Marvel allows the audience to naturally learn the name and role of the characters, rather than present an exhibition in giant monologues. Personally, even though I prefer it, I remember it was a problem that people had with the first episodes of The Wire. I know. It often feels cheap and sticky, as a narrative device that should be used infrequently (if at all).

It also produces incredibly complicated moments, including one that virtually breaks the fourth wall. This may be the kind of thing you will love or refer you to the dealership.

 Credit: Marvel. com Credit: Marvel.com The Clbadic Problem of the Marvel Movie Cinematic Universe

Captain Marvel Looks Like Two Movies: An Interesting Movie Self Discovery Story and Cogwheel Gear A multi-billion dollar project over a decade. If you've accepted these films as a series of links that connect to a rewarding experience, you may not mind, but it often happens

. to Captain Marvel herself a frustrating and superficial story, as her triumphs and personal troubles do not feel very good because the film is not entirely at the service of her story. This led to two dramatic moments in the film feeling unmerited and a bit hollow.

Bottom Line

Of course, Captain Marvel has some structural problems, but the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages. If you expect the middle of the film Marvel with your expectations, you will be well entertained and will not be surprised when the film will not be up to the character of Larson.

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