House Protects Alabama's Role in NASA Rocket Propulsion


The United States House unanimously pbaded a law today naming Alabama's Marshall Space Flight Center as NASA's main center for rocket propulsion. Presented by Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville), the bill was pbaded unanimously by a bipartisan vote.

"Perhaps most importantly, the (law) formally protects the rocket propulsion efforts and the team of political forces that could, in the future, seek to displace Marshall's rocket propulsion efforts." , and jobs elsewhere. " declaration.

There is no threat against the center now, said a Brooks staff member, but the bill is designed to stop everything. "It's preemptive," spokesman Clay Brooks said.

The bill, which is yet to be pbaded by the Senate to become a law, is called "American Leadership Act in the Field of Space Technology and Advanced Rocket" or ALSTAR Act. In addition to officially designating Marshall NASA's propulsion center, he directs the center to "explore, develop, coordinate and develop a new rocket propulsion technology in cooperation with government and private sector partners."

"My colleagues recognize that the development and enhancement of rocket propulsion is critical to maintaining our leadership in America in space exploration and national security," Brooks said.

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