The Interstellar Object "Oumuamua" Accelerates "Unexpectedly", Leaving NASA Scientists Bewildered


The first known interstellar object to travel through our solar system is accelerating unexpectedly, and scientists do not know why.

The NASA said observations from their Hubble Space Telescope confirmed that the interstellar object, Oumuamua, had "Unexpected acceleration of velocity and a change of trajectory across the internal solar system." [19659003] Marco Micheli of the Coordination Center for Near-Earth Objects of the ESA (European Space Agency) said: "Our high precision measurements of the position of Oumuamua revealed that something was affecting his movement other than the gravitational forces of the Sun and planets.

The boost has left scientists wondering what could be causing the increase in speed.

Analyzing the trajectory of the interstellar visitor, co-author Davide Farnocchia of the Center for Land Object Studies (CNEOS) at NA The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) of the SA said the increase in speed was consistent with the behavior of a comet.

He said: "This extra subtle force on 'Oumuamua is probably caused by jets of gaseous matter expelled from its surface." ] "This same type of degbading affects the movement of many comets in our solar system."

Karen Meech, astronomer at the Institute of Astronomy of the University of Hawaii, said that she was learning a lot about the behavior of the interstellar object.

She said, "I am amazed at everything we have learned from a short and intense campaign of observation, I can hardly wait for the next interstellar object!"

Oumuamua, less than one kilometer long, is now farther from our Sun than Jupiter and away from the Sun at around 70,000 miles at the time while it's heading towards the outskirts of In the space of only four years, the orbit of Neptune will pbad into interstellar space.

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