A 45-year-old woman from Delhi stripped, beaten for helping her owner


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  • A woman intervened when her owner's son and daughter-in-law beat her
  • When she started to run after being beaten They chased her
  • A 45-year-old woman was reportedly stripped and beaten by family members after trying to prevent them from attacking her, police said Friday.

    The incident was reported in the Palam area, southwest of Delhi.

    A video had become viral on social networks where the victim was seen walking with his clothes torn and bruised all over his body. By the woman, on Wednesday evening, the owner's son and daughter-in-law beat her. When the woman tried to intervene, they also hit her

    When she started running, they chased her and tore her clothes, said the woman in her complaint.

    The police registered a case. 19659008] According to the police, the hostess had chased her son and daughter-in-law from his home

    The son had a habit of visiting the owner, but his wife had not the right to enter the house, they added. [ad_2]
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