NASA's Hubble shows a massive bunch of stars from 10 billion years ago


Washington, DC, June 30 (NASA) The NASA Hubble Space Telescope has detected an astonishing picture of a huge collection of aging stars, believed to be 10 billion years old.

This handful of rich and dense stars is mbadive The Globular Cluster, a gravitational collection of stars that revolves around the Milky Way, said the US Space Agency in a statement

Globular clusters are denser and more spherical than open star clusters like the famous Pleiades. They usually contain hundreds of thousands of stars that would have formed at about the same time.

The hundreds of thousands of NGC 6139 stars would have been formed more than 10 billion years ago, the report says. 19659002] As a result, they contain some of the oldest stars of our galaxy, formed very early in the history of the galaxy.

However, their role in galactic evolution is still a matter of study.

This cluster is seen roughly in the direction of the center of the Milky Way, in the constellation Scorpio (Scorpio).

This constellation is a gold mine of fascinating astronomical objects.

Astronomers have used Hubble to track "Scorpius" many times to observe objects such as the butterfly nebula, the amazing binary star systems and other dazzling globular clusters, notes the report.

Comprehensive and high-resolution study of ultraviolet light in neighboring star galaxies


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