John Melendez's joke called Trump on Air Force One. Then, he said, the Secret Service appeared.


Thursday, John Melendez said that he had blamed the President of the United States – on Air Force One no less – and he was upset that the media did not not aware What, in his particular area of ​​activity, would equate to a Super Bowl victory.

Two days later, Melendez said that he was standing quietly behind his door, hoping that the secret service agents who would come to hit would leave without making any fuss. He said the agents later identified with his neighbors.

For Melendez, better known by his nickname on "The Howard Stern Show," Stuttering John, recognition that a wider audience was taking notice of his presidential joke had arrived quickly.

In the call, posted on the Melendez podcast, the cartoon portrays itself as Senator Robert Menendez (DN.J.) and appears to be transmitted to Trump while the President is on board. Air Force One on his way back to Washington after a rally in Fargo, ND

Of course, it is difficult to independently verify if Melendez has actually reached the president. The joke could be on Melendez's listeners, not Trump. Neither the White House nor the Secret Service has sent back any calls to confirm Melendez's claims about the joke call and the resulting visit.

Secret Servive Strikes. Amazing

– John Melendez (@stutteringjohnm) June 30, 2018

Okay, I did not answer and they left, but my neighbors said that they were showing their badges.

– John Melendez (@stutteringjohnm) June 30, 2018

In the audio recording of "The Stuttering John Podcast", a voice that very much resembles that of President Trump says "Hi, Bob" , before congratulating "Menendez". The New Jersey Democrat has pushed a challenger this month into a Senate primary closer than expected after avoiding the conviction in a federal corruption lawsuit last year.

"You went through a difficult and difficult situation – and I do not think so" Melendez and "Trump" then discuss immigration policy and the selection process of a Supreme Court candidate before to conclude their conversation a few minutes later.

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"You take care," says The voice that sounds like Trump's, at the end of the call. "I'll talk to you soon, Bob. Take care of yourself. "

The call to the alleged joke with the president follows reports that Trump's use of smartphones issued by the government could expose him to security risks." was also criticized last year for addressing the sensitive issue of the US response to a North Korean ballistic missile test on the terrace of his Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach.

Melendez, who left Stern's show in 2004 and continued working as an announcer for Jay Leno's "Tonight Show," has long been known to ambush celebrities with embarrbading questions. asked Gennifer Flowers at his 1992 press conference on his affair with Bill Clinton: "Will you sleep with other presidential candidates?"

Melendez said Friday in an interview with CNN that he was "shocked" that He managed to reach the president

"I mean, we did it like a blunder; I'm a comedian, "said Melendez." I just could not believe it took us an hour and a half for Jared Kushner and Donald Trump to be on the phone with Air Force One. " Kushner is Trump's senior advisor and son-in-law.

Melendez joked that he was on the run. "I can not (stay) at my house because I have my children this weekend and it's my last chance before going into the big house, "he joked

Then he was joking about the time he will spend locked up.

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