A robot of artificial intelligence flies to the ISS aboard a SpaceX spacecraft – Technology News, Firstpost


A ball-shaped artificial intelligence robot nicknamed the "flying brain" as it is trained to follow and interact with a German astronaut who took off on Friday International Space Station aboard SpaceX & # 39; s [19459005Lebrasrobotisédelastationuneexpériencepourmesurerlestressdesplantesetl'étuded'unnouveautraitementcontrelecancerétaientégalementàbordalorsquelafuséeFalcon9décollaitdeCapeCanaveralenFlorideà5h42"LafuséeFalcon9alimentelevaisseauspatialDragonverslaStationSpatialeInternationale"adéclaréuncommentateurdelaNASAalorsquelafuséeblancheallumaitsesmoteursetéclairaitleciel

The Dragon capsule unmanned carried 5900 pounds (2700 kilograms) of at its 15th mission & # 39; supply at the laboratory in orbit, under a $ 1.6 billion contract with NASA

. The Dragon sent goods in space in 2016 and the Falcon took off from a NASA satellite two months ago.

  The SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, with the Dragon spacecraft aboard. Reuters

The SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, with the Dragon spacecraft aboard. Reuters

The California-based aeronautical company run by Elon Musk intends to reuse rocket parts and spacecraft to reduce the cost of spaceflight.

About 10 minutes after the flight, SpaceX confirmed that the Dragon had been deployed successfully. from the second stage of the rocket and was in a "good orbit."

The capsule should arrive at the station on July 2nd.

IA Experience & History

A key cargo item is a waist-sized aircraft called a CIMON basketball, or Crew Interactive MObile Companion

It has been described as a "flying brain" by Manfred Jaumann, responsible for microgravity payloads at Airbus

. Christian Karrasch, head of the CIMON project at the German Aerospace Center (DLR), at a NASA press conference on Thursday, said CIMON had been trained to recognize Alexander Ger St's voice and face, 42-year-old geophysicist with the European Space Agency

When Gerst calls CIMON, the floating robot acoustically perceives the place where Gerst calls, so directs, and makes zoom out

At eye level, his front camera can detect if the person in front of him is Gerst, or someone else. It is also designed to interpret his emotional state.

CIMON will be powered by more than a dozen propellers to help it turn around and avoid clashing with things inside the Columbus space lab module. He understands Alexander, "said Bret Greenstein, global vice president of Watson's Internet of Things Offerings at IBM

" He will come to him when he speaks. "

The six crew members at the outpost in orbit can speak to CIMON, although he has been taught to work best with Gerst.

Tech demo

The purpose of this flight is primarily to demonstrate the work of technology

The robot should be able to guide Gerst through various scientific procedures, showing videos or images as needed. [19659002] Gerst can also ask questions to the robot beyond the simple procedure in progress

  Image de représentation.

Image de représentation. Equipped with a microphone at the back, a n camera infrared at the front, two batteries, and perhaps the most important, a button "offline"

Once switched to "offline", Gerst can be sure that nothing he said It is transmitted to the IBM server on Earth. 19659002] Once back, the voice recordings are again

Other experiments onboard the Dragon include a new robotic hand, or terminal effector, for the Canadian robotic arm of the space station. It will serve as a reserve at the station.

Astronauts repaired the arm handrail – which was becoming arthritic after 17 years of use – during a series of outings in space in recent months.

measuring water stress in plants on Earth and how certain regions can respond to climate change.

Another experiment aims to help scientists learn how cells lining blood vessels grow in space to inform a new cancer treatment. will remain at the space station until August, when he will return to Earth with more than 3,800 pounds of research equipment, equipment and crew, NASA said.

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