American skepticism about Pakistan is not justified


  • Considering the deterioration of relations with the United States and the continuation of its strategy to keep Pakistan under pressure despite the fact that it had taken indiscriminate measures against all northern-based terrorist organizations In the course of this war, there was great expectation that America would also use its influence on international organizations such as the FATF to keep Pakistan on its laurels. That's exactly what happened at its meeting in Paris on June 29, 1965, when the FATF decided to put Pakistan on the gray list and forwarded a list of 26 meeting in September 2019. The motion sponsored by the United States was voted by 37 countries. The FATF decision, in addition to being a political embarrbadment for Pakistan, will likely also have financial and economic implications for it.

    New demands also include Pakistan's expected action to combat the smuggling of foreign currency by terrorist groups across the Afghan border, banning certain groups and freezing their accounts as well as ensuring compliance with international standards for each Bank transaction.

    The reality is that Pakistan has been a sincere partner in the war on terror and has not only dismantled the infrastructure of all terrorist organizations. based in North Waziristan, but has also been faithfully engaged in eliminating the remnants of their supporters in the country. The government seized the offices and bank accounts of militant groups like Jamaatud Dawa and other groups and also banned them. It has also taken all possible administrative and legal measures to verify and block the sources of financing of terrorist organizations. Pakistan has promulgated a presidential ordinance to amend anti-terrorism legislation to include all individuals and groups on the United Nations list in national lists of uniforms and prohibited persons. The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) has also taken action in accordance with the FATF regulations and issued on June 20 the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Regulations 2018.

    The New Policy on Afghanistan and South Asia announced by Trump is a perfect recipe for the disaster and the perpetuation of the conflict in Afghanistan

    The government had also developed a comprehensive plan for the eradication of the financing of terrorism that was shared with the United States. international watchdog. Pakistan also cooperated with the FATF and similar badurance was also given by the Minister of Finance, who was supported by the National Security Council. The FATF decision reflects American rhetoric to do more. It also shows how much the United States can influence global bodies like the FATF

    It may be worth pointing out that in addition to taking legal and administrative steps to reduce the sources financing to terrorist organizations. , the Pakistani government, through the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, launched a media campaign to educate people to donate to charity and religious organizations by exercising the utmost discretion on their behalf. securities, which has had a considerable impact.

    The doubts expressed about Pakistan's commitment in this regard are logically and factually erroneous. The scourge of terrorism has affected Pakistan more than any other country in terms of lost lives and economic losses. So, logically speaking, the persistent skepticism expressed by the United States, their allies and international agencies under their influence is not justified. Pakistan will be the last country not to take all possible measures to get rid of the terrorist threat and stifle the funds of terrorist organizations. Pakistan does this to protect its own interests and it does not need to be coerced or intimidated by an international agency or authority to do so.

    The pressure on Pakistan is also false in the facts of what it did in North Waziristan and its unilateral decision to close the border between Pakistan and Pakistan. Afghanistan to prevent the cross-border movement of terrorists. His record of promoting Afghan-led Afghan-led reconciliation in Afghanistan is also an eloquent testimony to his sincerity and commitment to fighting terrorism and ending conflict in Afghanistan.

    The United States and its allies, instead of blaming Pakistan for its failures in Afghanistan, they must review their own policies and actions that are responsible for their failure to establish peace in Afghanistan and the elimination of terrorism in the region. If the United States is truly interested in the elimination of terrorism and believes that Pakistan has a vital role to play in this regard, it must take a realistic approach and, instead of putting it under pressure, accept the realities field and help to eliminate terrorism. It is a struggle that can only be won thanks to the collective efforts of the international community and the United States, which show a real commitment in this regard.

    The new policy on Afghanistan and South Asia announced by Trump is a perfect recipe for disaster and the perpetuation of the conflict in Afghanistan as evidenced by the fact that there is no one in Afghanistan. Exponential increase in terrorist attacks by the Taliban and its affiliates since its announcement. If the United States and its allies expect Pakistan to play a role, they must also consider its strategic interests and remove the scepter of skepticism and mistrust.

    The successful blockage and choking of terrorist funding sources is highly dependent on the political solution to the conflict in Afghanistan. As long as the war in Afghanistan continues, terrorist organizations will find new ways of finding funding for them and we must not forget that there are thousands of supporters of the narrative of terrorist entities on both sides of the border who complexifies the whole. effort. The elimination of terrorism and the curtailment of funding for terrorist organizations will require lengthy collective efforts on the part of patients to recognize the realities on the ground. Choosing Pakistan as a fall guy and keeping it under pressure is not going to solve the problem. The United States and its allies must reconsider their approach and position with regard to Pakistan.

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