NASA relies on "silent" supersonic flights


Washington, July 3: NASA is ready to publicly demonstrate and test a flight maneuver that allows jets to travel faster than sound without generating the characteristic boom. Supersonic flights over land were banned in the United States because they generated sonic sound booms that could sometimes damage buildings. Using a recycled F / A-18 fighter, NASA has shown that a diving maneuver can be used to generate quiet dull shots on a specific area.

  NASA Must Test Silent Supersonic Flights

A first test of the F / A-18 research methodology was conducted in 2011 with the help of the US military community that lives on the base Edwards aerial in California The researchers want to take the show on the road and try the same thing on a community that's not used to the sonic booms that ring regularly every day like the Edwards community.

Using F / A-18 and its ability to aim for sound Armstrong crews, the Langley Research Center in Virginia and the Johnson Space Center in Texas plan to perform a series of robberies data collection over Galveston, Texas in November of this year. The Gulf Coast city was chosen because it adjoins the Gulf of Mexico, allowing the F / A-18 to keep its sonic bangs stronger (near the dive point) at sea, while sounding more distantly. diving point) at Galveston. At least 500 resident volunteers will be asked to provide comments on a secure website about what they have heard, and what they think of the sound. At the same time, audio sensors strategically placed around the city will provide researchers with a scientific measure of the truth about the noise level.

"We will never know exactly what everyone has heard. But we would at least have an estimate of the range of noise levels that they actually heard, "said Alexandra Loubeau, NASA's team leader for research on the community's response to Langley. NASA recently awarded Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company a US $ 247.5 million contract to build a faster-than-sound X plane called X-59 "QueSST", which will demonstrate silent supersonic technologies in straight flight and in landing on a large surface. 19659004] Part of the low-boom flight demonstration mission, the X-59 is shaped so that supersonic shockwaves do not coalesce to create the characteristic sonic booms, which prompted the government to ban supersonic flight it Years ago. "With the X-59, the waves of the aircraft will create many shock waves, which creates lift and volume of the aircraft, but the shape of the aircraft is carefully adapted so that these waves do not combine. Haering, Aerospace Engineer at NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center

"Instead of having a strong boom-boom, you're going to have at least two dull noises, even if you hear them at all," Haering I said. NASA intends to fly the X-59 over several cities or towns and collect data from residents in the field about their perception of the sound produced by the supersonic aircraft.


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