Ant-Man Facts Verified with Raleigh Ant Expert


Ant expert Adrian Smith, of the Natural Science Museum of North Carolina, says immediately that he "does not expect that the films are scientifically specific."

But Smith agreed to check out the Ant-Man films in preparation for "Ant-Man and the Wasp," which opens Thursday night. Smith also proposed suggestions for unsuccessful claims. Here is our interview:

Q: Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) orders Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) to ride his winged ant while climbing on his chest. Is this the best place to ride an ant?

A: The thorax would move a lot. It's a pretty bouncy place, and you'd be constantly slapped by the wings. I sit on the neck or let the ant carry me in his mouth. This would be the best strategy for the ant, but maybe not for me.

Q: Hank tells Scott that tropical ants are the highest on the "Schmidt Pain Scale". That's true, but how much does it cost? wrong to get bitten by one?

A: The ant bullet has one of the most powerful venoms. But that can only kill you if you are allergic or stung hundreds of times. It does not weaken you.

I was stung at the tip of my finger, and I had the impression that someone was spinning a tourniquet around my armpit, where the lymph node is located. He palpated as if someone were leaving for a few hours.

Q: The team uses bulletproof ants as attackers. How do you feel about this?

A: This is a novice choice. This is the obvious choice, but maybe not the best choice.

Ball ants have a good individual attack. But bullet ants live in small colonies of 300 to 1000 workers, which makes them individually costly.

The main capacity of ants is number. I would choose an ant colony because they live in colonies of hundreds of thousands of workers. It hurts, and it's much smaller than the ball, but there are many more ants behind.

Q: They deploy crazy ants to detonate a building. How to close a building using ants?

A: You could easily close buildings with an infestation. Pharaoh ants are a common parasite that lives inside the walls of buildings. They pick up environmental toxins and spread those around them.

You would not blow things up, but you would make people do not want to be there.

Q: Hank claims that carpenter ants are ideal for soil and air transport. "Is It True?"

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A: Ant carpenter is a good choice because they are everywhere, and they are great. have no special skills for carrying ants.

Leaf-cutting ants are famous for how a large cutter cuts a section of leaf and gate, and smaller workers overlap it

You also have several species of tandeming ants, they recruit a nichemate, pat it on its abdomen, and basically hold hands until the new nest site.

Q: Pym tells us that "fire ants have evolved to become outstanding architects." Scott rides a burst of fire ants into a water pipe, then climbs a rope made of fire ants. this ridiculous?

A: Not ridiculous. Fire ants are famous for rafting. They evolved in a floodplain in South America and have a behavioral adaptation to escape that, which forms a living raft.

Ant chains are also quite common. Ants gather their larvae and use larval silk to weave an entire leaf structure. They will make a huge chain until they cover a space between the trees.

Q: In "Ant-Man and the Wasp", ants stand guard and direct someone to another place. Are there any ants?

R: There are ants that use phytophagous insects as livestock. They will pick up the insects, put them on the plants, let them feed, stand guard and then eat their shit.

Q: Farming ants slam their mandibles together in a threatening manner. How do ants threaten others?

A: There are ants that wave their heads with open mandibles, and some species wave their abdomens in the air to extract their venom. Opening of the mandible is more common than snapping.

Q : If you could make a bad film B by focusing on the ants, what would happen?

A: the habits and ecosystems of the body to control pests. For example, you could introduce native parasites of a species

And if it was a character who was really in the ants, and his strategy was to make the bad guys small and put them in front of these ants? This could be an integrated management of the bad guys.

As if you had known something about fire ants, you could have jumped on the raft and you would not have drowned. It would be a horrible film.

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