Fresh plants and produce arrive at the International Space Station


The last cargo replenishment mission dropped fresh vegetables and other plant experiments at the ISS. In this image, students participated in Fairchild Challenge events at the Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden in Miami, Florida. ( Fairchild Tropical Botanical Garden / Maureen Tan )

Astronauts on the International Space Station received their last space food and other unique treats from the last refueling mission [19659003]. 15th mission to replenish the cargo in the ISS, the astronauts got 5,900 lbs. of cargo that included some rare food offerings, such as fresh vegetables that are a welcome break from their traditionally packaged meals.

A proposal to grow fresh food in the space

game changer that astronauts in low Earth orbit can now grow and enjoy fresh food. Previously, perishable goods had to be consumed quickly once in orbit.

"We want astronauts to be able to produce fresh food to supplement their diet," Veggie Project Manager Trent Smith said in a statement. Since its launch at the ISS over four years ago, Veggie has been a scientific platform as well as a space garden that has fed astronauts fresh food grown in the US. space.

Lettuce "Dragoon", cabbage "Red Russian", pak choy "Extra Dwarf" and mustard "Wasabi". These are exciting deviations from the usual variety of lettuce grown in the growth chamber called "Roman Red Outredge".

Additional plant varieties are selected for their nutrients such as vitamins B1, C and potbadium, which are important but declining. in prepackaged astronaut foods over time.

Mission VEG-03G, H, I is a collaboration between NADA and Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden. It also engages students in a citizen science competition where they helped choose plants that fly to the ISS and followed research protocols to help plants test in space

Others Food experiments, Astronaut Treats

by the Dragon explores how microgreens such as basil and rhubarb grow in space, reported Space. These microgreens will develop in test tubes and students will compare the results of the experiment on Earth with those of the ISS.

In addition, a lot of space algae is also making its way to the space laboratory, with a little luck

Another treat for astronauts is the Death Wish Coffee, presented by its maker as coffee the strongest in the world, containing 200 percent more caffeine compared to regular coffee.

-trade, USDA certified organic coffee beans made from refined roasting methods to create a high-caffeine, low-acid coffee that tastes great

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