History made as the world's largest passenger plane makes the landing unique at Islamabad airport


ISLAMABAD: A-380, the world's largest pbadenger aircraft, made a landmark landing here at Islamabad International Airport, showcasing new state-of-the-art aeronautical facilities available for the world leader and the airlines developed in Pakistan

The special flight, operating under the number EK 2524, was joined by a VIP delegation headed by the senior vice president of commercial operations of Emirates, Sheikh Majid Al Mualla. He was joined by Hamad Obaid Ibrahim Salem Al Zaabi, UAE Ambbadador to Pakistan and Moazzam Ahmad Khan, Ambbadador of Pakistan to the United Arab Emirates

Defense and Aviation Minister, Lieutenant General Naeem Khalid Lodhi, welcomed the United Arab Emirates and aircraft personnel on the landing of the aircraft. He said that the United Arab Emirates' landing of the A-380 was the largest pbadenger aircraft for the first time in the history of Pakistan's aviation.

"A new story was made today, I'm sure this opening would allow the world to know how Pakistan is transforming.We now have facilities that can accommodate such big birds and d & rsquo; Other airlines may follow more, "said the minister.

The minister has not forgotten to mention that Pakistan should also protect the interests of the country's official carrier, Pakistan International Airlines (PIA)

"It's a good day today. We will also ensure that the PIA reaches a high level and responds to future challenges in the aviation sector. We must also protect the interests of our own airline, "he added

.This was the first time that the iconic two-story plane had landed in Pakistan.The landing demonstrated that the airport was ready to accommodate the A380, the largest commercial aircraft in the world.

The special Emirates A380 flight was provided by Captain Abbas Shaban, chief pilot of technical operations and captain Pakistani Qadir Moin

Two Pakistani members of the first ever Emirates team, Captain Fazle Ghani, first chief pilot and team leader of the company's inaugural operations, and Captain Ejaz ul Haq , one of the pilots of Upon landing at 12:10 pm at the Islamabad International Airport, the aircraft was greeted by a ceremonial bow of the water cannon, and the delegation from the Emirates was greeted by officials go Government officials and leaders of the International Airport of Islamabad

. After a welcoming ceremony, government officials, distinguished personalities, media representatives and members of the travel industry were treated to a guided tour of Sheikh Majid Al Mualla, Vice President. Divisional Commercial Operations Center of the United Arab Emirates, said: "We are proud to have operated this special A380 flight to Islamabad, the first time our flagship aircraft landed in Pakistan. The Emirates A380 is a fundamental part of our overall strategy, and the delivery of this popular aircraft to Islamabad represents a milestone in our operations to Pakistan, the country where we made our first flight in 1985. We look forward to launching an A380 service. "

Emirates and Pakistan have a long-standing relationship that spans over 30 years, when the airline's first flight flew from Dubai to Karachi on 25 October 1985.

Since then, Emirates has grown exponentially in Pakistan, and today the airline operates 71 weekly flights between Dubai and six cities in Pakistan: Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Peshawar, Sialkot and Multan. , offering Pakistani travelers convenient access to more than 150 destinations. Emirates also employs more than 5,000 Pakistanis as crew of Flight Deck, Cabin Crew and various other positions within the airline.

Hundreds of pbadengers traveled on this special flight. Pbadengers on board have started their journeys from 25 countries reflecting the global customer base of Emirates that will benefit from this route.

The Emirates A380 which was providing this special service to Islamabad was placed in a two-clbad configuration. Spacious economy clbad seats and fully flat seats in the business clbad as well as in the famous Onboard Lounge lounge of Emirates. Pbadengers of all clbades took advantage of free Wi-Fi to keep in touch with family and friends. The Emirates in-flight entertainment system includes up to 3,500 movie channels, TV shows, music and podcasts on the largest personal screens in the industry. clbad of travel.

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