Israel demolishes the Palestinian school in the West Bank


Scuffles erupted between Palestinians and Israeli troops in the southern West Bank during the demolition of a school.

Portable units in Khallet Athaba village serving Palestinian children's school were transported to the back of a school. truck to be removed from the site in area C, EFE news reported.

Palestinians protested against the withdrawal of the school, leading to clashes with members of the Israeli security forces on the site to oversee the demolition operation.

The children shouted "we have the right to education" removed.

The school, attended by 13 students aged 6 to 10 years, consisted of four caravans and had four teachers. Area C, where the school was, is under the control of the Israeli authorities.

A total of 197 Palestinian structures were demolished or seized by Israel in the first half of 2018, according to a report by the UN Office for "Demolitions and seizures resumed in mid-June, after the end of the month of Ramadan, with a total of 22 structures belonging to targeted Palestinians, displacing 10 Palestinians and affecting more than 120 others "the report said.


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