Nibiru destroyed life on Mars, the earth could be the next, says the legendary Serbian astronomer



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While Nibiru's fear has once again invaded the world, private memoirs written by the legendary Serbian astronomer Milorad B. Protić are slowly emerging as the hottest subject in the debate. conspiracy and Christians. 19659004] In his memoirs, Milorad wrote that Mars harbored vast oceans, lakes, and rivers for four millennia, and that is the impact of Nibiru that turned the red planet into an arid land. Protić even hinted that the fate of Mars could be fought by the earth, and when that happens, the planet will face the devastation of its life.

In his memoirs, Milorad B. Protic described Nibiru as a brown dwarf star with multiple orbits. satellites in a highly elliptical orbit of 3600 years. Although Milorad spent years researching Nibiru aka Planet X, he never publicly admitted that this dangerous space body could be hiding on the edge of our solar system.

According to Milorad B. Protic, there was 1580 BC. Nibiru interacted for the last time with our solar system. The Serbian astronomer firmly believed that life may have been lodged on Mars during those ancient days until it was completely destroyed due to the impact of Nibiru.

Protić's words remain valid for many Nibiru believers, because of his astronomical credentials. The scientist who died on October 29, 2001 was three times director of the Belgrade Observatory and, in his career, he even discovered a handful of comets and minor planets.

Recently, David Meade, self-styled numerologist Meade says that the arrival of Nibiru will trigger a seven-year tribulation period on the planet characterized by the increasing number of natural disasters like earthquakes and earthquakes. tsunamis. Meanwhile, a group of ardent Christian believers began to claim that the next lunar eclipse on July 27 is an indication that the end of the world is imminent.

According to Christian televangelist Paul Begley, the blood moon on July 27 will mark the last page in the history of mankind. He also added that he made these predictions after badyzing various biblical prophecies

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