India invites Donald Trump to be the main guest at Republic Day in 2019


Each year, India invites world leaders to attend Republic Day celebrations. (New York):

India has invited US President Donald Trump to be the main guest of the Republic Day celebrations next year, according to government sources.

The US side has not yet responded to the invitation but the initial indication has been positive, that is learned.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi had invited President Trump for a bilateral visit to India during their talks in Washington in June 2017.

President Trump gladly accepted the invitation of Prime Minister Modi to to go to India.

However, according to sources, a new invitation to the President of the United States recently came as the main guest at the Republic Day. celebrations in 2019.

If Mr. Trump accepts the invitation, he should give a major boost to the links between the two strategic partners in the key areas of defense, security and trade.

The invitation to the President of the United States to attend the event of Republic Day occurs when the ties between the two countries experiencing some tension.

At present, India is asking the Trump administration to waive US sanctions on New Delhi's military purchases from Russia. , the US had announced sanctions against Russia under the strict law for its alleged interference in the US presidential election in 2016.

There have been growing concerns in India over US sanctions . The first majors of the Russian defense, including Rosoboronexport, as billions of dollars in military purchases could be affected because of the punitive measure.

India should also seek a waiver of US sanctions on the import of Iranian oil. He pushed for closer strategic cooperation with India, particularly in the Indo-Pacific region where China was expanding its influence.

Every year, India invites world leaders to attend the Republican Day celebrations. Obama had participated as the main guest who was his second visit to India as US President

This year, leaders from 10 ASEAN countries had attended the celebrations of the feast of the Republic

. guest of the parade while the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was the main guest of the 2014 celebrations.

Heads of State and Government who attended the Republic Day celebrations include Nicolas Sarkozy , Vladimir Putin, Nelson Mandela, John Major, Mohammed Khatami and Jacques Chirac

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