"No urgency" to deal with North Korea's nuclear threat, says Trump


Song Jung-a in Seoul and Demetri Sevastopulo in Washington

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Donald Trump stated that there was "no urgency" to deal with the threat of North Korea while the sanctions remained in place, noting that his government did not Had not progressed since his June summit with Kim. Jong Un.

"There is no urgency, the sanctions remain! Great benefits and a bright future for North Korea at the end of the process," Trump said in a statement. the setting of a storm on Twitter during its controversial summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki on Monday

. "Major subject" in his meeting with Mr. Putin. He said the Russian leader had agreed to help fight the North Korean nuclear threat, but said that the United States had no timetable to deal with this issue.

"We have no time limit." Mr. Trump said earlier, adding that North Korea had not conducted any missile tests in nine months.

Mr. Trump said that there was no pressure to rush the denuclearization on the Korean peninsula, John Bolton, his national.The security advisor recently said that North Korea could dismantle "l & # 39; Essentially of its programs "a year ago

Mr. Trump and Mr. Kim agreed on the goal of denuclearization at their summit in Singapore in June, struggling to make progress since then. After Secretary of State Mike Pompeo left Pyongyang following the talks, North Korea criticized him for "unilateral demands."

Some experts say Trump's comments will ease pressure on North Korea, Singapore

"They were unable to reduce their differences with North Korea while they were under pressure before the June 12 summit. It would be more difficult to reach an agreement on denuclearization in this disjointed atmosphere, "said Kim Jae-chun, a professor at Sogang University in Seoul." The United States has lost a chance to make progress

Since the Singapore Summit, reports indicate that North Korea has developed a missile factory and is working on a new nuclear reactor that will significantly increase its capacity to produce plutonium.

M. Trump called for a swift and complete denuclearization of the communist state after North Korean leader Kim Jong Un pledged to work for the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula at their historic meeting in Singapore.

But badysts expect little progress ahead of the mid-term elections in November, not least because China has little sanctions against North Korea; the process. Kim Tae-woo, former director of the Korean Institute for National Unification, said, "We will try to get the most rewards by giving up as little as possible because they know that they are not going to be able to do it. there is no timetable.

He added that the US president was trying to reduce expectations: "Mr. Trump realizes how difficult and complex it is to persuade North Korea to give up its nuclear arsenal."


endless negotiations, especially after the return of Mr. Pompeo from his trip to Pyongyang earlier this month and North Korea accused the United States of making "robbery" demands on denuclearization

. He said he was not expecting any change in his policy on North Korea and urged Pyongyang to abide by its commitment to "complete denuclearization".

"We are coordinating closely with the US North Korea to achieve denuclearization," Yoshihide Suga, Japan's cabinet secretary said at a press conference Wednesday.

Additional report by Kana Inagaki in Tokyo

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