The White House buys two Air Force One planes for $ 3.9 billion


The White House announced Wednesday that it had signed a $ 3.9 billion contract with aircraft manufacturer Boeing for the purchase of two Air Force Ones

New aircraft expected to be delivered "Ready for the mission" by 2024, replacing the current Air Force Those who are now 31, according to a statement from the White House, reported Xinhua.

The White House claimed to have succeeded in lowering the asking price by $ 1.4 billion compared to the original proposal of $ 5.3 billion.

But the credibility of the claim was questioned by a tweet from Trump. while he was the president-elect in December 2016.

"Boeing is building a brand new 747 Air Force One for future presidents, but the costs are out of control, over $ 4 billion Trump said in a tweet, suggesting that the original price for the aircraft was significantly lower than what the White House claimed and the difference between the requested and final prices is less than 1.4 billion. [19659002TrumptoldUSmediathatthenewAirForceOneswillchangeitstraditionalwhiteandblueliveryadoptingacombinationofredwhiteandbluecolorsthataremorecloselybadociatedwithAmericanidentity[19659002] The new Air Force Ones would be 747 jumbo jets with modifications tailored to the specific security needs of the US President.


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