What is our geological age? It is called Meghalaya


  Planet Earth


According to the International Union of Geological Sciences (UISG), we are currently at the Meghalayan age, which is among the three newly baptized ages that were set in before by the IUGS July 13

According to the order of things, there is the Greenland age which is between 11700 years and 8326 years, then comes the Nordgrippian, which was 8326 years old at 4250 years old and now, the Meghalayan era, which started 4250 years ago and is still beating

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<p><figcaption clbad= Meghalayan Age named by IUGS IUGS

These newly named three ages were formed by geologists to delineate and name the 39 together 4.54 billion years of the Earth's history as eons, epochs, periods and ages.

So, if we s want to be precise, we are currently the Phanerozoic era, the Cenozoic era, the Quaternary period, the Holocene era and yes, Meghalayan age. After an initial rant, IUGS finally managed to share an accurate picture of the newly named ages in the popular microblogging platform, Twitter.

In addition, IUGS issued a statement citing: "This is a key achievement for the International Union of Geological Sciences and especially for its Stratigraphy Commission, which was developed by an international team Holocene scientists led by Mike Walker of the University of Wales. were subsequently approved by the International Sub-Commission on Quaternary Stratigraphy and the International Stratigraphy Commission before being transmitted to IUGS for ratification. "

However, there still seems to be some problems on the horizon because the new naming system has not gone well with everyone." According to some geologists, it's too early to name the names. Holocene ages, because it is not yet certain that climate change is of a global nature.

At the same time, the name "Anthropocene" has gone around, which will mark a geological period showing the impact on Earth due to the presence of humans.However, this idea has not yet been formally submitted to the UISG.

This drought lasted about 200 years.The drought, which was most likely the result of a change in the oceanic and atmospheric circulation, paralyzed several important civilizations, such as Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley, the Yangtze River Valley, Egypt , Greece, Syria and Palestine d, s, id) {
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