Donald Trump threatens tariffs on all 505 billion Chinese imports


On tariffs, Donald Trump said that the United States had been "torn apart by China for a long time".


US President Donald Trump said Friday that he was ready to hit all the Chinese "I'm ready to go 500," said the Republican leader at the US CNBC network, referring to Chinese imports of 505.5 billion dollars accepted in the United States in 2017. [19659004] "I'm not doing this for politics, I'm doing this to do what it takes for our country," said Trump .

"We have been ripped off by China for a long time," he added. After weeks of seemingly unsuccessful negotiations, the United States imposed 25% tariffs on about $ 34 billion worth of Chinese mechanical and technological products – triggering an immediate reaction from Beijing, which announced his reverse.

China accuses the United States of having launched "a second $ 16 billion of products is being revised and may soon be added to US measures.

In the US Full interview released Friday, Trump reiterated his claim that the United States "be benefited from" on issues including trade policy.

"I do not want them to be scared. I want them to do well, "said the US president about China. I like very much President Xi.

The conflict between the United States and China is the largest and most extensive of the trade struggles chosen by Trump.

The increasing share of international trade threatened has given rise to hope that escalating the trade war the global economy by disrupting the supply chains of businesses, pushing businesses to delay investment and make goods more expensive for consumers.

In excerpts from the interview published on Thursday, Trump had broken with the long established practice of not commenting. The decisions of the Federal Reserve out of respect for its independence.

"I'm not happy," Trump told the network in an interview broadcast Thursday. "Because we go up and every time you go up, they want to raise rates."

(Except for the title, this story was not published by the NDTV staff and is published from of a syndicated flow.)

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