North Korea: The United States Calls on Russia and China to Fight Violations of Oil Sanctions | News from the world


The United States urged Russia and China to crack down on repeated violations of the North Korean oil sanctions regime, saying that America had at least 89 illegal ship-to-ship oil transfers this year. , the US Secretary of State, was speaking Friday at the UN headquarters in New York, the day after the decision of Russia and China before the UN sanctions committee. UN to impose sanctions against North Korean sanctions. 19659002] The Russian and Chinese decision to the UN was the first crack of the international alliance to put pressure on Pyongyang for it to end its efforts to become a nuclear power and delayed six months the discussions on additional sanctions.

The United States claims, based on information that North Korea has used ship ship transfers in international waters, has exceeded a cap of 500,000 barrels of refined oil per year – imposed by the United States. the council there in December. The United States had called for an immediate halt to all new oil transfers. "The strict enforcement of sanctions" was essential to achieve the goal of denuclearization of North Korea, Pompeo said.

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Despite the diplomatic setback, Pompeo said after his briefing with the UN that he remained confident that it would be possible to reach an agreement on North Korean denuclearization, saying that he was not going to be able to do anything. it was even possible to consider North Korea's participation in as a pariah, but as a friend.

But his appeal to Russia and China to act on the evidence of the North Korean sanctions evasion represents a change of tone compared to previous US optimistic badessments of the direction taken by the regime of North Korea. Pyongyang. His remarks underscored the United States' belief that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un was acting under duress, and that a united international sanctions regime is essential to ensure the final verified denuclearization.

Kim is committed to denuclearizing to an unprecedented summit with Donald Trump in June, but gave no details on how and when this could happen, leaving considerable doubt about Pyongyang's intentions
[19659002] Pompeo reiterated his point of view that it would take time and that the road was difficult. He also called for increased sanctions on coal imports.

Pompeo went to Pyongyang in early July and both sides fought to advance the issue of denuclearization. At the end of the talks, the North Korean Foreign Ministry accused the United States of making unilateral demands and behaving like gangsters.

  A North Korean welder stands near the barrels of oil stored near Sinuiju's North Korean shore in 2016.

A North Korean welder stands guard near oil drums stored near the shore North Korean city of Sinuiju in 2016. Photography: AP

US Senator Lindsey Graham, representing a line of thought in the Republican Party, expressed concern that China has intervened to embitter the talks. "I see China's hands everywhere," he said after Pompeo's barren talks. The Pompeo tour came immediately after the US on 6 Julyslapped tariffs on $ 34 billion worth of goods from China, a move that China quickly matched. On Friday, Trump threatened to impose tariffs on $ 505 billion of Chinese imports

. The Pompeo briefing was conducted jointly with South Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha, who is more optimistic this week. She said that there was a shared badysis of the situation between China and the United States and implied that the North Korean leader had made an irreversible decision. Speaking at Chatham House, she said that skepticism was necessary given the history of the failed talks but continued: "I think what is clear is that it's all right. there is the political will that did not exist in previous negotiations. "

She added:" I think it would be very risky to get so far, to go back. "

On the demolition by the North of its nuclear testing site in Punggye-ri, she said, "We will support them, at some point, to verify that it's a real closure."

She warned that "given the pace of developments, we expect things to move very quickly, we have to calm down because it will take time."

She also said that the presence of US troops in South Korea was not part of the talks with the North.

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