Do not miss the deep red blood moon this week

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2015 Lunar Eclipse Chris Collins / Shutterstock

Take a moment this Friday, July 27 and look at the sky toward the longest lunar eclipse of this century, a magical magic red blood moon.Earthans around the world will be treated to a special event, a lunar eclipse of one hour and 43 minutes, close to the longest theoretical lunar eclipse possible and the longest of the 21st

When the moon rises on Friday, July 27, 2018, you will begin to see the process by which the moon hides in the shadow of the Earth, what we call a lunar eclipse.

What is a lunar eclipse How is this different from a solar eclipse?

You may have already heard the terms "lunar eclipse and solar eclipse And you do not know exactly what that means beyond 3 9, general darkening of the moon or the sun. we see on the Earth a shadow draped over the body. 9659003]

Diagram of a lunar eclipse NASA

In the diagram above, you will see the arrangement of the sun, the Earth and the moon during a lunar eclipse. In this special arrangement, the three bodies are aligned in a straight line. However, the alignment is sun> Earth> moon. The sun is shining on Earth, but the moon has slipped just behind Earth to be in its shadow. This means that there is no direct sunlight reaching the moon, bouncing off the moon and descending to Earth (the typical process that illuminates the moon in our night skies).

In comparison, below is a diagram of a solar eclipse. In this case, the bodies are all aligned like a lunar eclipse, but there is a slight difference: the position of the Earth and the Moon is permuted. This means that the sun is shining on the moon, but that part of the Earth is in the shadow of the moon, not directly receiving sunlight. During this celestial event, we see for a short time the sun darkened by the shadow of the moon as we are in exact alignment sun> moon> Earth.

The correct demonstration of the Sun creating a shadow of the moon on Earth. NASA

How special is this week's lunar eclipse?

While we typically experience between one and four lunar eclipses a year, it is exceptionally rare to have such a long lunar eclipse. During the month of July

The total lunar eclipse of this Friday means that two things happen: The bodies are aligned in a straight line in the order of the sun, the earth and the moon and at the same time there is a full moon. A partial eclipse can be when the three bodies are not completely aligned or if the moon is not full at that time.

"Super blue moon of blood" rises on the ancient city of Aizanoi, in the district of Kutahya Cavdarhisar. 31, 2018. The full moon of January 31 combines three rare lunar events for the first time in 150 years, during which a blue moon, a super moon, and a total lunar eclipse illuminate the heavens. (Alibey Aydin / Anadolu Agency / Getty Images)

Another unique factor about the total lunar eclipse is that the Earth is close to the farthest from the Sun, called Aphelion. The following table from shows the aphelion that occurred on July 6, 2018.

Year Périhélie Distance Aphelion Distance
2018 Jan 3 2018 12: 34 91,401,983 mi 6 July 2018 12:46 94,507,803 mi
2019 3 January 2019 12:19 pm 91,403,554 mi 4 July 2019 18h10 94 513,221 mi
2020 5 Jan. 2020 2:47 91,398,199 mi 4 July 2020 7:34 94,507,635 mi
2021 [19659021] 2 January 2021 8:50 am 91,399,454 mi 5 July 2021 18:27 94,510 886 mi
2022 4 January 20h22 1h52 91,406 842 4th of July 2022 3:10 94,509,598 mi
* All aphelion / perihelion times are at the local time in New York.

The reason this lunar eclipse is the longest of the 21st century is because it crosses the center of the Earth's shadow, increasing the time during which the moon is blocked from the sun. The theoretical limit of a lunar eclipse is 1 hour and 47 minutes, which we will have barely 1 hour and 43 minutes

A Super Blood Moon rises on buildings on January 31, 2018 in Beijing, China. The moon turns red and blue during a total lunar eclipse on Wednesday night. (VCG / VCG via Getty Images)

How can I track the total lunar eclipse – What is the best time to watch it?

You are probably wondering when would be ideal to look at the total lunar eclipse and to get an idea of ​​the eclipse's trajectory on July 27th. has a great way to track the lunar eclipse, you enter your location and it will populate everything you need to know about the moon's trajectory, timing, etc.

Screen capture of the lunar eclipse of July 2018 in London England

What is a blood moon?

The lunar eclipse will also be a blood moon, which is a term for when the moon shines in a deep red color. The reason is due to the spread of sunlight. Since during an eclipse, there is no direct sunlight hitting the moon, all the light that reaches the moon and bounces off the Earth (allowing us to see the moon) is indirect. Indirect light pbades through the Rayleigh scattering as it pbades through the atmosphere of the Earth. This, indeed, diffuses longer blue and violet wavelengths than shorter red and orange wavelengths. Thus, a longer length of red / orange wave reaches the moon and bounces on Earth, presenting us with a deep red blood moon.

A so-called 'moon of blood & # 39; can be seen behind a statue during a total lunar eclipse. Frankfurt am Main, West Germany, September 28, 2015. Skygazers were treated to a rare astronomical event when an inflated "supermoon" and lunar eclipse combined for the first time times for decades, showing the Earth's satellite bathed in blood-red light. The best part about lunar eclipses is that you do not need special equipment Blinding sun to watch. Just go out and look up to the moon that summer night of July 27 and see the beautiful glowing glow of the lunar eclipse of the blood moon


Eclipse lunar of 2015 Chris Collins / Shutterstock

Take a moment this Friday, July 27 and look at the sky towards the longest lunar eclipse of this century, a moon of magical magic red blood.Earthans worldwide will be treated at a special event, a lunar eclipse of one hour and 43 the moon rises on Friday, July 27, 2018, you will begin to see the process by which the moon is hiding under the shadow of the Earth, what we call a lunar eclipse

What is a lunar eclipse and how is it different from a solar eclipse?

You May Have be already heard the terms lunar eclipse and solar what it refers to beyond the general of the Appearance of the moon or the sun. In both cases, what we see on Earth is a shadow draped over the body.

Diagram of a lunar eclipse NASA

In the diagram above, you will see the arrangement of the sun, the Earth and the moon during a lunar eclipse. In this special arrangement, the three bodies are aligned in a straight line. However, the alignment is sun> Earth> moon. The sun is shining on Earth, but the moon has slipped just behind Earth to be in its shadow. This means that there is no direct sunlight reaching the moon, bouncing off the moon and descending to Earth (the typical process that illuminates the moon in our night skies).

In comparison, below is a diagram of a solar eclipse. In this case, the bodies are all aligned like a lunar eclipse, but there is a slight difference: the position of the Earth and the Moon is permuted. This means that the sun is shining on the moon, but that part of the Earth is in the shadow of the moon, not directly receiving sunlight. During this celestial event, we see for a short time the sun darkened by the shadow of the moon as we are in exact alignment sun> moon> Earth.

The correct demonstration of the sun creating a shadow of the moon on Earth. NASA

How special is this week's lunar eclipse?

While we typically experience between one and four lunar eclipses a year, it is exceptionally rare to have such a long lunar eclipse. During the month of July

The total lunar eclipse of this Friday means that two things happen: The bodies are aligned in a straight line in the order of the sun, the earth and the moon and at the same time there is a full moon. A partial eclipse can be when the three bodies are not completely aligned or if the moon is not full at that time.

'Super Moon of Blue Blood & # 39; rises on Aizanoi Ancient city, in the Cavdarhisar district of Kutahya in January 31, 2018. The full moon of January 31st combines three rare lunar events for the first time in 150 years, during which a blue moon, a super moon and a total eclipse of the moon illuminate the heavens. (Alibey Aydin / Anadolu Agency / Getty Images)

Another unique factor about the total lunar eclipse is that the Earth is close to the farthest from the Sun, called Aphelion. The following table from shows the aphelion that occurred on July 6, 2018.

Year Périhélie Distance Aphelion Distance
2018 Jan 3 2018 12: 34 91,401,983 mi 6 July 2018 12:46 94,507,803 mi
2019 3 January 2019 12:19 pm 91,403,554 mi 4 July 2019 18h10 94 513,221 mi
2020 5 Jan. 2020 2:47 91,398,199 mi 4 July 2020 7:34 94,507,635 mi
2021 [19659021] 2 January 2021 8:50 am 91,399,454 mi 5 July 2021 18:27 94,510 886 mi
2022 4 January 20h22 1h52 91,406 842 4th of July 2022 3:10 94,509,598 mi
* All aphelion / perihelion times are at the local time in New York.

The reason this lunar eclipse is the longest of the 21st century is because it crosses the center of the Earth's shadow, increasing the time during which the moon is blocked from the sun. The theoretical limit of a lunar eclipse is 1 hour and 47 minutes, which we will have barely 1 hour and 43 minutes

A Super Blood Moon rises on buildings on January 31, 2018 in Beijing, China. The moon turns red and blue during a total lunar eclipse on Wednesday night. (VCG / VCG via Getty Images)

How can I track the total lunar eclipse – What is the best time to watch it?

You are probably wondering when would be ideal to look at the total lunar eclipse and to get an idea of ​​the eclipse's trajectory on July 27th. has a great way to track the lunar eclipse, you enter your location and it will populate everything you need to know about the moon's trajectory, timing, etc.

Screen capture of the lunar eclipse of July 2018 in London England

What's a blood moon?

The lunar eclipse will also be a blood moon, which is a term for when the moon shines in a deep red color. The reason is due to the spread of sunlight. Since during an eclipse, there is no direct sunlight hitting the moon, all the light that reaches the moon and bounces off the Earth (allowing us to see the moon) is indirect. Indirect light pbades through the Rayleigh scattering as it pbades through the atmosphere of the Earth. This, indeed, diffuses longer blue and violet wavelengths than shorter red and orange wavelengths. Thus, a longer red / orange wavelength reaches the moon and bounces back to Earth, presenting us with a deep red blood moon.

A so-called 'moon of blood & # 39; can be seen behind a statue during a total lunar eclipse. Frankfurt am Main, West Germany, September 28, 2015. Skygazers were treated to a rare astronomical event when an inflated "supermoon" and lunar eclipse combined for the first time times for decades, showing the Earth's satellite bathed in blood-red light. The best part about lunar eclipses is that you do not need special equipment Blinding sun to watch. Just go out and look up at the moon this summer night of July 27 and see the beautiful dark red glow of the moon's lunar eclipse.

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