Be aware of the signs of hepatitis


To coincide with World Hepatitis Day on July 28, the Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust Viral Hepatitis Team will educate the public and health professionals about the signs and symptoms of l & # 39; hepatitis.

World Hepatitis Day and the theme of this year's campaign are "Find the Missing Millions" – a three-year global awareness campaign aimed at tackling key barriers to diagnosis.

Of the 325 million people living with viral hepatitis in the world, more than 290 million (9 out of 10) live with hepatitis B or C.

Helen Newsham, social worker in Communicable Disease Services at the Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust, said: "Hepatitis B and C infections may not show symptoms for a long time, sometimes years or decades.

" Insufficient coverage of tests and treatments is the main gap to be filled to achieve the goal of elimination of the World Health Organization a diagnosis rate of 30% by 2020 "

World People's Day hepatitis about viral hepatitis and how to prevent transmission, stay protected and most importantly help stop the stigma badociated with hepatitis, as all of world can be vulnerable, it does not di

"The elimination of viral hepatitis is an individual goal for millions of men, women, and children around the world. We could all, at some point, be affected by hepatitis, and we all have a role to play in the elimination. Hepatitis can affect anyone and is the cause of thousands of deaths a day worldwide. Knowing the facts saves lives, and getting tested is quick and easy, so we encourage everyone involved to get in touch with 01772 777148. "

The Viral Hepatitis Team Will Show Posters educators, hospitals, pharmacies, colleges, universities and supermarkets, and will work with outside organizations such as The Young Princes Trust and Red Rose through Chorley South Ribble, Greater Preston and West Lancashire to help educate volunteers and users of viral hepatitis services.There will be an information panel at the Minerva Health Center in Preston for two weeks starting Monday, July 23 with additional details on viral hepatitis and service

World Hepatitis Day is led by the World Health Organization and is held every year on July 28 to raise awareness be the world to hepatitis.

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