The Cairo Zoo denies having painted a donkey and passed it off as a zebra


In 2009, after two zebras died of hunger in a zoo in Gaza, the owner painted two white donkeys "The first time we used paint, but it does not look good," Nidal said at the time Barghouthi, the son of the owner of the zoo. "The kids do not know, so they call them zebras, and they're happy to see something new."

Barghouthi's father, Mohammed, told Reuters that because of the Israeli blockades, it would have cost him zebra across Egypt – and the donkeys were doing a good job in the meantime.

Has an Egyptian zoo now taken a page on the Barghouthis book?

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الفيديو ده حقيقي "D

Read the news in English Posted by Mahmoud A. Sarhan Wednesday, July 25, 2018

in response to a request from the Egyptian radio station Nogoum FM, the zoo insisted that the animal is not a painted donkey, reported the BBC.

It remains to be seen if a potentially painted donkey will provoke the kind of stir stir created five years ago when a Chinese zoo claimed to house a lion, when the animal from The lion's cage was, in fact, a dog. (To be fair, he was a Tibetan Great Dane, and he really had a mane.)

Liu Suya, a zoo official, told CNN that the dog temporarily replaced the lion because of "security concerns."

"We do not do it for lack of funds," she said

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