The lunar eclipse of last night was fun, but when is the next?


The full moon on the night of July 27 offered a rare sight for astronomers, presenting the longest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century. The eclipse was also considered a blood moon because of its dark red hue, and in some crowds, a "weed moon" because of its perfect timing. Now that the moon of blood has raised the bar for celestial visualization this summer, the question becomes: What's next?

The moon of blood / moon moon / total eclipse of the moon has proved to be a magnificent trifecta and a treat for astronomers. Those who missed it can refer to the fleet of photos on Instagram, or just wait until January 21, 2019, when the next total lunar eclipse is scheduled to make an appearance in the sky nocturnal Pacific, Americas, Europe, and Africa.

Total Lunar Eclipse (Penumbral)

Once again, the moon will appear red when it will cross the Earth's shadow. This is because sunlight in the Earth's atmosphere will always reach the moon directly, even if the Earth blocks any direct sunlight that illuminates the moon during an eclipse. Only the red wavelengths are able to reach the face of the moon, giving it that characteristic reddish hue.

For those who missed or could not see the eclipse in July, his predecessor of January 21 will have its own advantages. First of all, the eclipse will be visible by the stargazers of North America, the only region to miss the July show. Weather permitting, the total lunar eclipse of January will be visible in North and South America. While the west coast will be the most conducive to contemplation, the east coast will also be able to glimpse the rare event

<p clbad = "canvas-atom web-text Mb (1.0em) Mo (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm "type =" text "content =" Not only will the eclipse finally be visible to North Americans, but it will actually be larger . It is also found that it is a super moon, by which the moon will perigee, or its nearest point to the Earth, which will make the moon of the blood slightly larger and clearer than usual .data-reactid = "23"> Not only will the eclipse finally be visible to North Americans, but it will actually be larger .It is because Jan. 21 is also a super moon, by which the moon will perigee, or its nearest point to the Earth.This will make the moon of blood appear slightly larger and clearer than usual. 9008] While the July 27th eclipse was the longest of its kind in this century – 102 minutes, the next eclipse will occur 62 minutes. In North America, the complete eclipse will start on January 20th at 11:41 pm. Is, but reach the maximum eclipse after midnight on January 21 at 12:12 East. Try not to miss this one because the next one is not for another two years. The next total lunar eclipse after January will not occur until May 26, 2021.

<p clbad = "web-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm "type =" text "content =" THIS IS THE WEEK OF SPACE DOPE: July 23-29, 2018, will see a full moon (the "Full Buck Moon" ), a total lunar eclipse that will see turning a bloody color, Mars to the opposition, where the red planet will be at its closest approach to the Earth, and the meteor shower Delta Aquarid.A such confluence of dope celestial events called the first half-year Inverse Dope Do not forget to join our Facebook group Dope Space Pics to share the weird wonder of space throughout the entire life. year and listen I need my space the weekly podcast of Inverse about the strangeness of space. "d ata-reactid = "25"> This is the DOPE SPACE WEEK: From July 23 to 29, 2018, we will see a full moon (the "Full Buck Moon"); a total lunar eclipse that will see it become a bloody color; March to the opposition, where the red planet will be at its closest approach to the Earth; and the meteor shower Delta Aquarid. Such a confluence of celestial events dope calls the first semiannual week Inverse Dope Space! Make sure to join our Facebook group Dope Space Private Pics to share the weird wonder of space throughout the year. And listen I need my space weekly podcast Inverse on the strangeness of space.

<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = " Photos on Flickr / Murray Foubister , Flickr "data-reactid =" 26 "> Photos via Flickr / Murray Foubister, Flickr

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